Friday, February 12, 2010

Happy Pink Saturday - Valentine's Day

Good morning "Pinkies" and welcome to my Pink Saturday post.

As always, please thank the beautiful Ms Beverly at
How Sweet The Sound for organizing and hosting this fabulous event, each and every Saturday.

Please remember to go and check out her blog, and see the complete list of Pink Saturday "Pinkie" participants, and take the time to go and visit some of them. You will find the pinkest of "Pinkies" right here at Pink Saturday.

Now Ms Beverly has asked us to share Valentine's for this Pink Saturday, so "pinkies" hang on because here is mine. I wanted to share my cupids with you on this special occasion. Country Wings will guide you along, here she is:

I have so many friends here today, and they were all so excited about getting to participate. You know us Cupids really only get to play once a year openly, the rest of the time, we are around, you just don't see us.

Valentino is the Cupid of Valentine's, here he is delivering. Who knows he might just be delivering one to Marydon or Marsha, how about Theresa or PJ, Anita or Annie, no, no I am sure it is Claudia or Sares. No maybe it was Jenny or Kelley, Dana, Tina, Merie, Duchess, Molly, MiMi, CeeKay or Shellbelle? No I am confused, darnit maybe it was Penny or Mona, or was it Nerina or Sheila? Oh heck you are getting a valentine, so I give up. He was mailing them for me though. Next we have; Romeo and Precious.

Now these two are always delivering roses. They just adore them, have any of you received roses? Well here are the cupids behind it all. So how about it? Chatty, Janie, Mari, Bernie??? Hmmm. Stephanie, Tammy, Marilyn, Holly? How about you Ms Beverly? Hmmmm??? Sissie I know you have and you too BJ, and what about you LV? (surely in your lifetime you have seen these beautiful roses)? Carmen you received any of late? Okay Miz Mollye (a little cupid told me you received some just last week?) Hmmm??? Red maybe?

Okay gals let's keep moving we have so many cupids waiting in the side lines, if we don't move along we are going to be seeing a few arrows coming across the side lines and maybe some kisses and hugs. Next we have the beautiful Miss Lilac and Miss Lily. They bring about the beautiful Sense of Smell and Romantic Heart for Love. Now I know we have felt them before.

Bella Rosa could you have been touched? How about you Sandra, Rebecca, LuLu, Holly, Patti, Anne, Lynne, Tanza, Riet surely you with all the photographs you have taken? Hmmm?? Cathleen, Marty, Candy, even you surely Sage? How about you Sue, Micki, Terri or surely just Cindy??? Come on now, we are all sisters, don't be shy, we can share. Cielo surely you have been touched, you are always in that garden of yours.

Oh ladies duck quick, look out, arrow on the lose. Dang those cupids have no patience. (Let me write that down in my journal for future reference.) Okay let me bring in Cupid Hugs and Cupid Kisses mixed and stirred for LOVE. You can be misled by these two, so be very careful. They aren't always right on the target, but they try.

Remember that first love, we just knew they were the one? Junior High, High School, oh these two have been touching us all for years. Now you know why. Remember that first dance? Holding hands? That first peck on the cheek? That warm fuzzy feeling that you just knew would last for the rest of your life? How about that first movie you went to? Anybody go to the drive-inn? Our big hang out was Pizza Hut and A&W Root Beer after the football games. Yes, I would say these two have been around all our lives at some point and time.

And the last one today that I am going to share with you is so patient. She is reading all the time. She is: Cupid Matchmaker. She always has her nose in the LOVE book, matching, reading, watching, just waiting for the right one to come along. The one to last your lifetime. The one that makes your heart go pitter patter at a smile. The one who shares their ice cream cone, or breaks the candy bar in half, and always gives you the bigger half.

How about it Marty? Connie Sugar? Jamie, Kerrie, Dana, Sandi, Carrie, Coralie, Karen, Barbara Jean, Cop Moma, Marla, JJ, Lynn, Maggie any of you gals know about this matchmaking thing? The last forever stuff? Winona you? Molly how about you? Jody, Suzanne, ML, Twyla, any takers??

Oh "Pinkies" whether it is your first love, your last love, or forever love, you are all so special to me. You are my FOREVER Valentine's, and I love each one of you. Thank you for making my Valentine Day a special one. I hope you have had fun with me today. I just wanted you to know how special you are, and I tried to include many of you.

As always, thank you for stopping by my little piece of heaven, here in the desert, that I so love to call home. Happy Valentine's Day. Country hugs and love...

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