Thursday, September 30, 2010

Dancing For Pink...



Hosted by
Ms Beverly @
How Sweet The Sound.

Ms Beverly likes for us to share

pink with each other. This month is

Breast Cancer Awareness Month and

us Pinkies are reminding you about

your mammogram. Have you had yours?

If not schedule it today, DO NOT delay.

Cancer Sees No Name...

Cancer Feels No Pain...

Please join me with Lee Womack

today in celebration of Pink Saturday
and Breast Cancer Awareness Month.


Whenever one door closes, I hope one more opens;

Promise me you'll give faith a fighting chance.

And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance;
I hope you dance.
I hope you dance.

Give the heavens above;
More than just a passing glance.

And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance;
I hope you dance. 

Whenever one door closes, I hope one more opens;
Promise me you'll give faith a fighting chance.

And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance;
I hope you dance.
I hope you dance. 

Time is a real and constant motion always;
I hope you dance.

Tell me who
Wants to look back on their youth and wonder?
I hope you dance. 




Thank you for joining me today for Pink Saturday.

New cases in the US for 2010?

Female - 207,090

Male - 1,970

As always, thank you for stopping by my

little piece of heaven here in the desert,

that I so love to call home.

Country hugs and much love,

post signature


Saya hanya dua tiga kali berkereta melalui Gua Musang - toilet stop atau teh tarik stop, tapi tak pernah tidoq kat situ.
Tapi saya pernah nampak hanya ada satu (mungkin ada lebih) rest house di tempat tu.

Jadi saya khuatir juga apabila mendengar tentang pilihanraya kecil Galas.
Bukan saya yang akan membuat liputan, tapi rakankerja di KL.
Sesiapa yang ada nak sewa-kan dua-tiga bilik yang ada aircon, tolong beritahu!
Lagi satu, kat mana ada makanan yang lazat!
Ada kebun durian atau manggis?

Yang lagi saya khuatiri ialah pengunaan Internet.
Tapi setahu saya apabila ada pilihanraya kecil, makan Telekom dan yang lain akan ke tempat itu nak upgrade secara temporary network komunikasi, agar ribuan pengunjung tak panik.
Apa lagi wartawan yang perlu hantar laporan tiap hari.

Begitulah indahnya demokrasi Malaysia.
Semua sibuk berpesta untuk tiga-empat minggu.
Duit bertaburan, rakyat jadi raja.
Para doktor dan nurse akan turun padang. Check percuma.
Menteri bersila ambil kisah dengan makcik tua.
Rumah macam reban ayam dibesarkan, longkang akan hilang semua sampah busuk.
Saya teringat membuat laporan di Ijok, Selangor dan Pengkalan Pasir, Kelantan.

Nak tertawakan sama ada by-election atau BUY-election pun tak apa.
Suburnya demokrasi secara aman ini anda tidak rasakan sehingga anda berada di negara demokrasi tersekat, atau demokrasi AMAN yang terbatas.

Teruskan perjuangan.

Mac 2008 = PAS tewaskan Umno-BN dengan 646 undi.
PAS dapat 4,399 dan Umno 3,753.

Melayu 65.4 peratus.
Cina 22.3
India 1.8
Orang Asli 10.50.

(data dari Harakahdaily)

Elite Build up to 2012, Oil, the US Dollar, Gold, Silver, and War - Lindsey Williams

Lindsey Williams, who has been an ordained Baptist minister for 28 years, went to Alaska in 1971 as a missionary. The Trans-Alaska oil pipeline began its construction phase in 1974, and because of Mr. Williams' love for his country and concern for the spiritual welfare of the "pipeliners," he volunteered to serve as Chaplain on the pipeline, with the subsequent full support of the Alyeska Pipeline Company.Because of the executive status accorded to him as Chaplain, he was given access to the information that is documented in this book.

After numerous public speaking engagements in the western states, certain government officials and concerned individuals urged Mr. Williams to put into print what he saw and heard, stating that they felt this information was vital to national security. Mr. Williams firmly believes that whoever controls energy controls the economy. Thus, The Energy Non-Crisis. Because of the outstanding public response that has been generated by this book, Lindsey Williams is in great demand for speaking engagements, radio, and TV shows.

New from Lindsey Williams: this is the 3 DVD series on what will be taking place in the world over the next two years - leading up to the year 2012.

Pastor Williams: Prophecy Club
Lindsey Williams: Lindsey Williams
The Energy Non-Crisis by Lindsey Williams (book): Reformation

Lindsey Williams Tragedy - Part 1 of 3

Lindsey Williams Hope - Part 2 of 3

Lindsey Williams Tragedy - Part 3 of 3

3 hours content:
  • Dollar will crash in 2 years
  • Gas will remain 50-70/barrel and then it will spike to 4-10/gallon (war = highest)
  • There will be a war involving Iran and Israel in 2 years, which will sweep across the globe
  • Stock market will go up and up and up
  • Gold & silver will escalate rapidly
  • All but 9 banks will close (gradually) over the next 2 years
  • Pretty much everyone will be working for the government
  • Safety deposit boxes will be inaccessible
  • Watch the pace of inflation
  • Around the end(of 2 years) there will be a limit of withdrawal from the bank
  • There are no terrorists what so ever
  • More and more activities of total control in travel and airports
  • All kids will be required to take shots, chips, brainwashing etc...
  • Mandatory service in society
  • Gun control
  • Media control (radio, internet, schools, news and etc)
  • Security forces increase internally and externally to control
  • The rest is preaching and personal stories of preaching

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Swing Hangs Childless...

The swing hangs childless.

No movement.

No loud laughter.

No double dares.

The kids have gone back to school.

Their loyal friends left behind

And wandering why oh why?

Mom's catching up with best friends. 

Laughter is such great medicine.
No hurries...

No worries...

Summer has gone to sleep. 

Fall has awoke with little peeps.

Soon the trees will be bare.
And pumpkins will begin to stare.

The squirrels are preparing for Winter.

Gathering for the long days ahead.

The days when there is nothing to gather,

yes, those are the days that they dread.

So when you find yourself with some time to spare;

Please pop on by, I've got tea, and I'll share.

No reason to call, surprise me I say;

There's always some time for a friend, any day.

As always, thank you for stopping by,

my little piece of heaven,

here in the desert, 

that I so love to call home.

Country hugs and much love,

post signature

Duit tak pernah tidoq

Tersenge-senge saya nonton movie lama, Wall Street, malam ni.
Cari DVD yang dah berhabuk dalam simpanan.

Teringat cerita lama ni sebab movie baru dah keluar - Wall Street, Money Never Sleeps (Michael Douglas dan Shia LaBeouf). Review di sini.
Mamat bernama Shia ni saya ingat umat M, rupanya bukan. Pelakon handalan si mamat muda ni.

Dalam cerita lama - Michael Douglas dan Charlie Sheen.
Sebagai Gordon Gekko dan Bud Fox.
Diterbit tahun 1987, movie ni mendapat cult status bagi pasaran kewangan satu dunia.

Budak kampung (Sheen) jumpa setan pasaran kewangan (Douglas).
Teringat zaman muda - walaupun saya bukan main pasaran saham, futures, forex di Singapore dan KL secara direct, hanya wartawan kewangan biasa.
Ramai juga setan pasaran yang saya jumpa masa tu.
Dan ramai juga budak kampung yang sesat termasuk dalam pasaran kewangan - macam saya. Cerita rusa Geylang masuk Wall Street di New York pada Mei.

Wall Street ialah pasaran kewangan terbesar di dunia, diikuti London, Tokyo dan Singapore.
Well, if New York is the capital city of the world, then Wall Street is its heart.
Itu cakap gedebe omputeh Amerika.

Teringat cerita lama - Semasa membuat liputan di SIMEX dulu (Singapore International Monetary Exchange = futures market) antara yang saya pernah jumpa ialah Nick Leeson, futures trader (nama mereka semakin besar kini - derivatives broker!) dari Barings Bank. Cerita dia di sini, websitenya sini.

Bukan kenal rapat, tapi dapat bertukar kad (di bawah) dan kadang saya nelpon dia nak dapat market commentary.
'Mr Leeson, how is the market today? Why did the Nikkei/Eurodollar futures go up/down? Where is it heading next? Who has been selling/buying today?'
'What do you think of the Japanese/US economy following release of the tankan report/FOMC report? Did the BOJ/Fed intervention surprise the market much?'

Sampai hari ni saya simpan kad ini sebab tak sampai setahun setelah berjumpanya di trading floor SIMEX, saya ke KL penghujung 1994 untuk memulakan kerja baru. Lepas tu cerita meletup-letup satu dunia mengenai bagaimana Nick membuat penipuan besar hingga merobohkan Barings Bank - bank di mana Queen Elizabeth simpan wangnya!
Adoi, duit tak pernah tidoq rupanya.

Dalam movie Wall Street pertama, Gordon Gekko - nama pasarannya ialah fund manager atau financier.
Tapi nama yang kasar dan tepat ialah market speculator.
Menulis mengenai movie Wall Street baru dan lama, majalah New York Times Magazine baru-baru ini - "The devil gets all the best lines...."
Antara yang disebut Gordon Gekko:

- 'Money never sleeps, pal.... You're doing good; you have to keep doing good.'

- 'If you need a friend, get a dog. It's trench warfare out there pal.'

- 'Read Sun Tzu's Art of War - Every battle is won, BEFORE the fight starts.'

- 'Lunch? You gotta be kidding me, lunch is for wimps.'

Dan yang paling saya gemar:

- *"Greed, for lack of a better word, is good.
"Greed is right, greed works."*

(*Takut pulak nanti orang politik baca ni - eh betul tu, betul tu! Hahaha).

Where's Madgie?

I bet you've been thinking to yourselves...where's Madgie?!

Madge is currently buried under packing tape and bubble wrap and design deadlines.

Wootily woot....woot.

Yes, Virginia, that was sarcasm.

I am plum tuckered and there is so much to do still I have no idea how on earth it's all going to get done without magical helpers. If you see any wandering the streets with glazed expressions and will work for glitter signs, feel free to point them in my direction.

After five years of staring at hideous forest green front doors with hideous forest green trim we finally painted them the red I've envisioned since we moved in. Isn't that just the way? I hope the new people like them. The color on the doors is Fabulous Red and it's a 'Valspar' color from Lowe's. The trim is also Valspar and it's called Magical Moonlight. We've used that white on the trim all over the inside of the house, it's so crisp and clean and makes a lovely frame for the saturated colors on our walls. I'm loving the doors, it really looks like a school house now.

(I can grow plants, I can grow plants, I can grow plants!)

I must away to toil further on packing and designing.



Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Wednesday with A Chicken Wrangler...

This weather vane points straight from

Arizona to Michigan. Straight to Monica

at The Chicken Wrangler. You know 

sometimes while blogging, you meet the

sweetest little blog, with the sweetest 

little gal behind it, that you just want to

share her with everyone?

Well that is Monica.

She has the most beautiful girls you
have ever seen. 
Yes she does,
Lizzy, Marilyn, Cleo, Prissy and Robyn

just to name a few.  She gathers eggs

a couple of times a day. And that is

"NO CLUCKIN either".

Does the rooster crow @ dawn?

Ask Monica.

Do we really need a rooster?

Ask Monica.

Girls, Monica has it, and

I am flaunting it for her.

Please click on the link above.

Pop over and let her bless your

heart. I so enjoy my morning

visits with her and the girls.

There is always a little commotion

going on in the coop, and you just

never know who is gonna cluck

right into your heart. Marilyn is my

favorite. She is the Monroe of the

chicken yard. 

Let the weather vane point

straight to your blog too.

Monica sweetie, thank you for

playing along with me, and for

allowing me to share your beautiful

blog coop with my friends. I hope they

will become your friends too. You have

blessed my heart many times over since

I clucked right up to the coop.
I love you 
sweet friend.

As always thank you for stopping by

my little piece of heaven, here in the desert,
that I so love to call home.
Country hugs and much love,

post signature


Dear Friends,
             Good Evening!

The Joy Of Giving week will be celebrated from 26th September-2nd October.The motive behind celebrating this week is to develop kindness among poeple and to instil the quality of giving something to the dear and near ones and to the needy without any expectations.This week was launched in 2009 and is held every year starting on a Sunday and ending on a Saturday,including 2nd October-Gandhi Jayanthi Day.Let us remember the great freedom fighter of India-the Father Of Our Nation-Mahatma Gandhiji who was the strong pillar behind the millions who changed India into a free country!
I have observed and experienced that the joy of giving is manifold more than the joy of receiving.The happiness and satisfaction one receives after giving is irreplaceable as it evokes genuine human feelings.Today we are too busy to spare time to reach out our relatives,friends and the needy.
One need not be rich to be the part of this noble celebrations.Have a large heart filled with love and care.What can we give?It is not just money or materials.We can gift time,skills and resourcesThere is a long list that we can offer.
A broad and inspiring smile,
Kind words spreading peace and cheer,
Being together to assure moral support.
A visit to an orphanage or old age home,
Taking precautions not to hurt,
the sentiments of our friends and fellow beings!
A word of appreciation for the good work,
A small gift of a fresh and fragrant flower,
A sincere and honest attitude in connections,
A tight and loving hug,
A friendly call,mail or sms,
The short love notes of
''How are you' and ''I miss you''.
Giving time to go for a stroll,
With whom the sunset will be more beautiful.........
Uttering the most inspiring words,
Into the ears of the depressed.........
Lending a helping hand to the parents,
Using the magical words,
Thank You and Please...............
Tolerating different kinds of people,
And spreading communal harmony!
Feeding the homeless and the hungry.
The birds and the animals...
Chanting a prayer for the sick,
And sending a handwritten letter,
To the one who waits for it....
Engage someone in a worthwhile conversation,
Sharing the experiences of joy and pain.
Just holding the hands that need the warmth;
Giving the presence and comfort,
To the ones who cry their heart out......
Stop grumbling and live life to the fullest,
Helping the blind to cross the road,
Reading out the good books to the people around,
Introducing the illeterate to the world of letters,
Buying crayons and sketchpens with colourbooks.
Just a kind gesture of asking,
''Hello,how are you?''
[Between,I do take care to do most of these actions.....]:)
And just to remember-before pointing one finger to others,the other four fingers are pointing towards us!
So,be humble and say God,thank you so much........
For all teh blessings you've gifted to us!
The long list of our actions that give us the joy never ends here...................
''Happiness is not something you carry in your hands.

It is something you carry in your heart.
A word of care and love gives happiness''.
So,dearies,tell me what are you going to do now?
  Be less self centered.Be ready to give for a cause of your choice.
   Do something that can remove the frustration of your friend,
   Let someone express himself/herself;
  All of us have untapped resources,dormant skills and abilities awaiting an opportunity to be revealed.
Today,Anu assures you her sincere love dil se...........
     Wishing you a beautiful night that leaves a broad smile on your and my face.........:)
                                                  Stay Tuned,             

Kerja makan gaji, tapi berLambo - skandal besar Singapore!

Yang satu ada Lambo.
Rakankerjanya ada Ferrari. Kemudian Ferrari itu berlanggar pokok pula sehingga masuk akhbar.
Eh, orang terkejut, si mamat rakan kita tu - bila pula dia kaya ada kereta mewah? Ah kan, satu kampung dah tahu....
Yang si mamat Lambo ni membeli kondo berharga S$900,000 (RM2.1 juta) bayar CASH pulak. Memang cari pasal.

Jika mereka memang golongan businessmen atau menteri Kabinet yang gaji berjuta tak apa. Tapi mereka hanya timbalan pengarah dan pengurus dalam Penguasa Tanah Singapura, atau SLA - kalau kat Malaysia, Pejabat Tanah ler.
(Maaf, tadi saya tersilap tulis LTA pulak!) 
Macam mana kerja dengan pemerintah boleh jadi jutawan? - yang jadi jutawan kerja dengan 'garmen' ialah yang jadi Menteri Kabinet Singapork (itu satu kontroversi di lain hari).

Si mamat dua ekor LTA ni pula, dah collect berjuta, saya tak faham kenapa mereka tidak lari keluar negara, tapi terus kerja kat situ! Hingga kes mereka terbongkar.
Cerita di sini dan sini.

Saya percaya kes ini adalah skandal kewangan yang terbesar di sini yang melibatkan civil servant.
Memang ada orang yang pernah kena cekup merampok duit syarikat berjuta-juta, tapi semuanya syarikat swasta.
Terima kasih Anon di bawah ni yang sebut ada menteri Temasek yang corrupt lalu bunuh diri. Namanya Teh Cheang Wan. Semasa disiasat, dia makan racun, katanya.

TAMBAHAN 0840pagi

Kes mereka terbongkar pada Jun, apabila SLA lihat banyak sangat wang mengalir keluar dalam bahagian teknologi dan infranya (di mana mamat berdua ni kerja).

Dan kes skandal melibatkan civil servant Singapork yang terbesar - dah lama sehingga saya pun tak tahu - ialah pada 1995 apabila timbalan pengarah PUB (agensi jaga air) Choy Hon Tim didapati bersalah dapat S$13.85 juta (ini kadar matawang dulu, jika ikut kadar hari ini tentu tinggi lagi!) daripada kontraktor yang inginkan maklumat dalaman.
Nama-nama orang merampok semasa kerja dengan 'garmen' antaranya di sini. Kat Singapore ni jika kamu mention saja 'CPIB' semua orang takut, termasuk saya. Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau.
Lagi cerita-cerita kakitangan awam yang songlap di sini (termasuk kes Menteri Teh Cheang Wan). Banyak juga kes brader.
Yang baiknya ialah apabila kes rasuah berlaku, akan dibesar-besarkan di media agar jadi sempadan.

Lee Kuan Yew kata....
(dilaporkan dalam akhbar hari ini. Tak tahu berkenaan kes di atas atau general comments saja).
"I'm not saying there's completely no corruption, but any minor corruption is caught and punished.
"Our law says if you have a property which you cannot explain by your income, that is assumed to be corruption.
"Supposing you have a $20 million bank account and you're earning about $10,000 a month, the assumption is you are corrupt until you prove that you had the means and the wherewithal to make that money. So that makes the prosecution of corrupt officials and corrupt people easier.
"That has kept the country clean. And if you go by the Transparency Index, we are always in the top three... That's an enormous advantage when it comes to doing business."

Blackberry PlayBook

Research In Motion (RIM), syarikat Canada pengeluar Blackberry, baru munculkan projeknya nak lawan iPad.
Katanya lebih pantas dari iPad, tapi ia menggunakan sofwe baru. Bukan Apple, Windows, Android atau Linux. Tapi sofwe RIM bernama QNX Neutrino.
Takut pulak gunakan untested software, early version ni....

Yang bagusnya ia kecil sedikit dari iPad yang besar dan berat. Screen PlayBook ialah 7inci, berbanding 9.7inci iPad. Senang sikit nak masuk dalam beg.
Ada USB port - tidak seperti iPad.

Cantik juga cik abang ni - kata orang Kelantan 'co-me lote' (comel habis).
Cerita dan gambar kat sini dan sini. Official page sini.
Nasib baik pak chic belum beli iPad.

Have A Beautiful Tuesday...

Have a Zippity Day today. Can you believe

that it is already Tuesday? I am off to 

work with a little zip in my step.

As always, thank you for stopping by

my little piece of heaven, 

here in the desert, that I so

love to call home.

Country hugs and much love,

post signature

Monday, September 27, 2010

Banker wanita Muslim Malaysia di puji; superhero Muslim lahir

New York Times -
A Path to Financial Equality in Malaysia

"Women are rising up in the industry’s ranks in other countries as well, including Britain, which has also signaled its intention to become an Islamic finance hub. But (Islamic Banker editor) Mr. Parker is among those who say that when it comes to Muslim-majority nations, Malaysian women win hands down."

International Herald Tribune (the international edition of NYT) -
Asia-Pacific Universities Adding Islamic Finance Courses

"The number of such courses available in Kuala Lumpur, home to the most developed Islamic finance sector in the region, is growing rapidly. A number of business schools now offer Islamic finance components as part of their M.B.A. programs, and the Universiti Tun Abdul Razak, a private institution in Kuala Lumpur, will offer a new M.B.A. in Global Islamic Finance for students enrolled for the semester starting in October.

"Malaysia’s International Center for Education in Islamic Finance, which was established by the central bank in 2006, is working with a growing number of universities around the region and elsewhere to help them start Islamic finance courses."

Tepok tangan sikit, brader.
Sebutlah Alhamdulillah.

Aiks. Superhero umat M - Silver Scorpion.
Ada gambar lagi mamat kaki putus kena bom ni.
OKlah tu. Dah penat saya tengok umat M ni jadi crooks dan terrorists dalam movie.

"The superhero's appearance hasn't been finalized, but an early sketch shows a Muslim boy who lost his legs in a landmine accident and later becomes the Silver Scorpion after discovering he has the power to control metal with his mind."

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Happy Birthday Sweet Sis...Marydon

Happy Birthday Sweet Sis, and "Yes" today in honor
of your birthday, you get 
to be the Engineer.
She has been wanting to drive 
all week. Now 

of course Marydon wears a different type of hat

than a normal engineer. Just take a look at her

specialties, I have shared a few with you today.

Oh Sis, I so love the red one. Yep that's the one.

What you have another choice or two? Oh no, 

see what happens when I let you drive the

train, we will never get out of the yard.

Oh yes, it has a pink rose. Is this the one for your
birthday drive? 
"No"? Did you say no? Oh I can see
we are going to be out 
late on this special
occasion. Alright next?

OMG, yes this is the one. Pink for my rose

Sis. Yep it's this one. Now can we take 

the train ride? I can hardly wait. Now I

do get to be Co-Engineer right?

Oh Sis, of course I didn't forget. I

remembered your pink balloons.
Pink is after all, your signature color.

And yes, a pink cake with a beautiful rose for you.

Now I am only adding one candle. A lady never

shares her age. So Happy Birthday Sis. I love you.

Oh Boy Sis, We are leaving the station.
I am SO excited, but you know I still can't

believe that they are letting you drive this

thing. You don't even have an Engineer's

license after all. Hey why are we slowing

down, what is the deal? We're on a  special

track the conductor said? Is that what he said?

Oh my gosh. Would you look at that.

No Sis, we don't want to take that rail.
My gosh not this one at all.

What is in the other direction?

Oh Sweetie, did you really think they were going to let

you on the tracks. You said you wanted to be an

Engineer for your birthday, but I didn't say that

you could actually go onto the rails. Maybe next

year, if you're really good we shall see.

Oh but look Sis. They do have a hat for you,

to remember the occasion. Yeah!!

Sweet Sis of Mine. I hope you have a beautiful

day today. Here is wishing you many, many

more to come. Please know that you are SO

loved. I wish I could be there with you today.

You know my heart is. Many, many hugs to

you and SO much love. 

Please stop by and wish Marydon a Happy

Birthday. She loves comments, so pop

on over and leave her a few. Please tell

her that her Sis, sent you over.

As always thank you for stopping by

my little piece of heaven here in the desert,

that I so love to call home.

Country hugs and SO much love,

post signature