Sunday, September 28, 2008

Satanic Occult Symbology and Architecture in USA, Washington

The pentagon is an infinite occult symbol -- it is the center of a pentagram and a pentagram fits perfectly inside a pentagon.

Obelisks are phallic (penis) symbols related to the Egyptian Sun god, Osiris. The 4 sides of the Washington Monument are aligned with the cardinal directions (i.e., east, west, north, and south). At the ground level each side of the monument measures 55.5 feet long, which is equal to 666 inches. The height of the obelisk is 555.5 feet, which is equal to 6,666 inches.

Converting the radius and circumference of the earth to cubits yields the same results.

The first series of symbols I will point out deal with the seat of the executive branch of government, the White House, indicated by the red arrow above. If you are a Google Earth user, you can see these satellite images for yourself at Google Maps.

As you can see by my outline, the White House sits at the apex of an inverted pentagram. This symbol is incomplete by only 2 small pieces, indicated by the yellow lines.

The hexagram is nearly complete, except for 1 small piece on the north-west side, outlined in yellow.

If you draw the pentagram and hexagram symbols together, you can see three sides of a cross. Finishing the symbol on the land sitting in front of the White House reveals a perfectly symmetrical Knights Templar cross.

As mentioned earlier, the 4 sides of the Washington Monument are aligned with the cardinal directions (i.e., east, west, north, and south). At the ground level each side of the monument measures 55.5 feet long, which is equal to 666 inches. The height of the obelisk is 555.5 feet, which is equal to 6,666 inches. The obelisk is representative of the male sex organ, worship in nearly all pagan cultures. It is a symbol of man's carnal power and might. Satanism and the occult are saturated with sexual perversion, child-molesting, and human sacrifices. Most worshippers in these groups deny such claims, but some have openly professed it, such as the godless bisexual Aleister Crowley.

This statue of Washington in the Smithsonian Museum of American History was modeled after descriptions of the statue of Zeus at Olympia, one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world. The museum is aligned to the cardinal directions, the statue sits at the western end of the main floor facing east. Compare this portrayal of Washington to the images of Zeus and Baphomet - do you notice any similarities?

Here's a photo of Condoleezza Rice at the United Nations in 2005 with the numbers 666 behind her. Notice how the logo below was cleverly designed, celebrating the UN's 60th anniversary, to appear as 666 above.
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