Thursday, March 31, 2011


31st March,2011
    Dear Friends,
                             A special and very warm  Good Evening!
Just not from the lips,but from the depth of my heart.
The brightly bloomed golden showers
The green refreshing paddy fields,
The tall coconut trees and the banana plantations
Welcomed me to the lovely God's Own Country!
The amazing feast for eyes....
The fully ripe mangoes hanging from the mango trees,
The fallen mangoes on the grounds,
 The fragrant  fresh jasmines,
The butterflies and humming bees,
Homemade food and fresh well water,
Amma's loving presence and beloved ones,
Awaited me here,in my hometown!
It's a lovely and pleasant evening,
Away from the stress at the workplace,
When the love,care and concern adds to the beauty,
Of the peaceful atmosphere,
I want to thank you God for all the blessings
Showered on me so generously!
It's sometimes really nice to look forward,
To hear the wonderful and beautiful words...
Some wait for the perfect ambience and muhoortam,
Satisfying the deepest emotional needs,
Rewarding the need to be wanted and appreciated
Assuring the belief,''I am there''.
It is rightly said,I know,
''People will forget what you say
But they will never forget how you make them feel''?
It's a pleasure and comfortable feeling
To know and realise we make the difference
And make the moments of life beautiful!:)
Some express and say it openly...
Others wait so patiently......
And now as the spring has arrived
Adding colours to nature and hearts.
An unseen face and the unheard voice
Can take away the sleep at times!
The millions of miles in between
Never made us feel the distance!
With you I could be always myself
And to be honest you did make me feel great!
Let your life oveflow with joy and love
Happiness and propserity and hope!
Only in the presence of true and loving soul like you,
The spring creeps into the heart!
Happy to welcome the new follower,Vaibhav,
Before I publish this post from Thrishur!
Hope you have  a comfortable stay at Sincerely Yours!:)
Wishing all of you a wonderful Month of April,
Sweet Dreams and A Good Night's sleep,
It's Anu signing off........

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Macam mana nak gi perang nih?

Setiap anak jantan muda di Singapork kena masuk NS (national service) dua tahun.
Dari 18 tahun ke atas.
Mereka masuk Army (infrantry, medic, army clerk atau army cook!) atau Civil Defence (jadi firemen, rescue workers, medical workers).

Anak jantan saya membesar di Maysia dan ingat dapat lepas sebab dah masuk private Uni Maysia dulu. Tapi kena panggil juga, sebab masih bau bakkutteh kat badannya, warga Singapork. Lagi tujuh bulan akan tamat.
Selama dua tahun, gaji NSmen ini hanya lebih kurang S$400 (RM960). Gaji anak saya lebih sikit sebab ada pangkat rendah.

TAPI negara mewah (macam Maysia). Anak-anak kita dimanjakan.
Balik rumah, emak atau maid basuhkan baju (bukan anak saya, sebab ibunya di KL. Pandai-pandai cuci dan gosok sendiri).
Emak masakkan nasi, bawakan bekal. Kalau boleh suap, akan suapkan.
Ada iPhone dan iPod.
Lepas keluar camp, duduk kat Macdonalds atau Coffee Bean.

CERITA ni lagi meletup-letup di Singapork.
Akhbar terbesar dan paling berpengaruh di Tenggara Asia (wah marah nanti rakan-rakan di The Star dan Utusan), The Straits Times, ada website untuk budak muda main-main.
Namaya ialah STomp.
Saya jarang masuk baca cerita atau forum kat sini, tapi ia website orang muda paling popular di Temasek.

Di STomp keluar GAMBAR ini. It created a storm.
Manja abang ni. Hingga army haversack pun maid yang bawak!
Sedangkan budak tu nampaknya sedang main SMS.
Jadi isu besar di sini tentang "spoilt Singaporeans".
Salah siapa? Ah chong yang 18-22 tahun atau Ibubapa?
Patut kena hukum tak ah chong ini?
Dan jika kamu lihat rumah-rumah di depan tu - Ini kawasan perumahan orang kaya = landed property. Beliau anak orang kaya agaknya. Di Temasek hanya 5 peratus yang tinggal di rumah ada tanah. Ish ish ish.

GAMBAR milik SPH pula - EH! Gi sekolah pun beg dibawa maid Filipina. Tak malu budak jantan ni. Bawak payung lagi macam pompuan.
Alamak, apa nak jadi ni?

LEPAS tu semalam, The New Paper - tabloid SPH macam The Malay Mail, keluarkan gambar maid sedang cuci baju dan boot NSman di rumah (maaf, tak ada link).
Ai, 'dik, macam mana nak gi perang jika tak tahu cuci baju dan boot?

Satu gambar saja dah panikkan Mindef (Ministry of Defence) agaknya. Kesian eh.
Ini belum Pemuda Umno cabar nak mendarat di Pulau Pisang lagi!

Rakan saya di KL, David baru hantar joke: Kenapa tak outsource ke Filipina saja pertahanan Singapork?
Don't give them ideas, David!


(*Orang Indon tak kata Pilihanraya Umum, tapi Pemilu = pendek untuk Pemilihan Umum. Dan kerana nama timangan pulau kecik tu untuk saya ialah Singapork, kita gunakan yang pendek untuk Pemilihan Umum Singapork = Pemilupork).

Jika kamu takut pro-PAP sangat, bacalah Temasek Review atau The Online Citizen.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Tears of A Clown...

In May, it will be one year since my illness.

I haven't talked much about it, but I feel it is

time. I have tried to go on with my life and 

pretend that everything is the same. Only it isn't.

I look the same, my heart is the same, but the

voice is different. Some days, I have no voice,

other days, I struggle to push out air sounds,

and some days, I talk but it is hard to understand

me. I have been laughed at, stared at, treated

like a freak, asked where I am from, and I

continue to smile and go on. I am behind the

mask of a clown. Yes, I cry. It hurts. I have

asked, "Why me?"

I have prayed and prayed for God to heal

me and put me back like I was. That is 

not going to happen. What I have left is

all that I will have. I have seen many Dr.s
and specialists. They have been down

my throat, down my nose, looked at

my brain, looked at my ears. Everything

that they can test, they have. They cannot fix

my voice. I have been told I have Spasmodic

Dysphonia or Vocal Cord Dysfunction.

Apparently, it is from all the coughing that

I did for almost 5 months. I still continue to

have severe coughing spells, sometimes

three or four a day. Doctors are experimenting

with botox in the vocal cords, but I have opted

to not have this procedure. For some people it

helps, and others have lost what little they have

left, or had absolutely no change at all.

I am not a gambler, so I opted out on this

choice. I am taking what I have left and calling

it good. I am through with dr.s and tests and

experiments. I am no longer a Guinea pig. I

want to move on with my life as much as I can.

If you are new to my blog, then you now know my

story. If you aren't, then you have now been

updated to my progress. This explains why I

love to blog, here I have a voice. I can talk

normal(whatever that may be) and
be heard loud and clear.  I am not asking

for special treatment, I am only asking

to be respected for who I am.

I don't know why I am meant to take
this walk in my life, 
and someday God will
explain that to me, but 
for now I continue on
my journey and smile, 
behind the tears of a clown.

post signature

Mea Culpa

Image Copyright The Little Prince by Antoine du Saint-Exupery 1943

Well now, really. I truly did not mean to insinuate that people only read my blog for the free stuff. Do forgive. I don't have much free stuff other than projects and advice. I was commenting on the blogosphere in general and I didn't mean to insult you, dear reader. If I post a free project, it is free without strings, though it is under copyright and you therefore can't make it and sell it, but you can (and I encourage you to) make it for yourself or your friends or family! That's the point of posting projects, to inspire you to be creative!

Sometimes I can become a little world weary and sometimes I feel a little isolated and alone here in the middle of nowhere far from family and friends.

I blog, mostly, because like everyone on the planet I want to feel connected. I long to reaffirm and to confirm that I am not alone. I long to know that I am not the only square peg, I am not the only stranger in a strange land. To be certain that I am not thinking and creating and feeling all of the things I think, create and feel here in my little studio in vain.

So I do know why I blog.

I just, as an admittedly vain Leo, wonder sometimes if there isn't a healthy dose of ego involved in assuming that anyone cares what I think, create or feel.

I don't even have to wonder that, it's true. Ah, but that healthy dose of ego is what fuels my moxie and my chutzpah and most of all my unmitigated gall.

We all have an ego. We all love a little applause now and again. It is the human condition to want to reach out and touch someone literally or figuratively across these electronic ethers.

I am blessed to have made so many amazing friends simply because I took the chance, I risked the possible humiliation...I turned this thing on and I trusted that somewhere out there someone would read my little messages in a bottle and it might just make them feel a little less alone. And you know what? They did.

And you know what else? It made us all feel a little less alone.

"I just want to be loved, is that so wrong?" Harvey Fierstien

And on that note... I must check on the lasagna I whipped up for dinner (mostly from packages and cans so try not to be too impressed) and start loading up the Uhaul to begin the epic journey (okay it's really around the corner and up a steep mountain but I'm taking artistic license...)

But I begin the epic journey of our move to our little cabin in the mountains.

Thank you for helping me to feel just a little less alone. I can't even begin to tell you how much it means to me.

"What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well." Le Petit Prince Antoine de Saint-Exupery

"Words are the source of all misunderstanding." Le Petit Prince


Hantar bantuan Lebih Cepat, Murah


Sempat tukar-tukar SMS malam semalam dgn CEO Mercy Relief (MR), Hassan Ahmad.
Saya tanya kamu bawa barangan tu dibeli di Temasek atau di Jepang?
Rupanya dah 5 batch barangan dah sampai ke mangsa quake-nami.

Soalan: Tuan d goods for japan - u buy em in spore or buy in japan?

Jawapan: The first 5 batches procured locally, the 6th is from SIN.
It's closer to affected locations, cuts down transportation costs + able to be quickly and accurately adaptable to changing needs on the ground.
We only bring in what are required here and cannot be procured locally. Like that, lebih tepat sasarannya!

Soalan: Apa yg dibeli di Spore? Apa di Jepun?

Jawapan: [beli di Jepun] Bottled water, blankets, hygiene essentials like sanitary napkins, wet wipes + underwear. From SIN, we send ready-to-eat porridge to the affected areas where there is severe shortage of water for cooking.
Porridge is appropriate for the very large population of elderly, the infants n the sick - soft food which is easy to swallow n digest, starch for energy and fluid for hydration. It's MR's own recipe!

For comparison, bottled water here retail price is same as in SIN.
So, say if u buy bottled water in SIN and send them to Japan - there are the SIN forwarding and ground handling charges, the freight and fuel charges, the ground handling charges in Tokyo + transport charges (hundreds of kilometres of land travel), how much would that add to? It would be the most expensive bottled water ever!!
Sent via BlackBerry from SingTel!


Ini bukan nak tulis apa. Cuma mungkin dengan ini dapat buat dengan cara lebih efficient. Mungkin.
Saya terbaca di sini - Putera Umno menghantar macam-macam bekal nak bantu Jepun. Terima kasih tuan-tuan dan adik-adik.
Mereka nampak muka kita yang coklat dan sawo matang tu, bernama Azeez dan Mamat, Dollah dan Ahmad, naik ler sikit nama bangsa, negara dan agama.
Baca cerita tu dulu sebelum sambung.

Malaysia menghantar 200 tonne bekalan - selimut, makanan, air, boot.

Kereta Pajero yang anda biasa lihat di Maysia tu beratnya 1.5 tonne.
Ini bermakna bekalan tu semuanya seberat 133 Pajero.

Dibawa oleh MAS dan AirAsia - tentunya tak dibayar. Terima kaseyyyy!

CUMA sebenarnya, ada cara Lebih MURAH nak hantar bantuan ke negara yang kena bencana. Dan Lebih PANTAS.
Walaupun Putera Umno percuma tak kena bayar MAS dan AirAsia, buang-buang minyak beb.
MAS = yang kena bayar akhirnya ialah pemegang saham syarikat ni = duit rakyat.
AirAsia = pemegang saham mereka juga.

Maaf, balik-balik bawa cerita lama Feb 2009. Tapi ini boleh dijadikan pengajaran kecil untuk anda yang buat misi menyelamat.
Bila saya ikut Mercy Relief ke Egypt dan Israel, nak beri makanan segera, gandum, selimut, pakaian, etc untuk orang di Gaza, mereka TIDAK membawa apa-apa apabila naik kapal terbang dari Changi ke Cairo.
Hanya satu beg pakaian.

Saya tanya 'Eh mana itu supply semua? Dah settle masuk perut plane?'
Jawapan CEO Mercy Relief, Hassan Ahmad: Mereka dah banyak buat kerja ni.

Lebih MURAH jika barang dibeli di negara yang nak bantu. Lainlah jika negara tu tak ada supply kerana dah dihentam teruk.
 Misalnya Gaza mana ada bekal? Jadi dibeli makanan, gandum, selimut, khemah etc di Egypt dan di Israel.
Atau jika Aceh dah kena tsunami, dan Sendai dah kena tsunami, kamu belilah supply dari (misalnya) Medan dan Tokyo.

Tak takut kena tipu?, saya tanya.
Kenalah cari Local Partner yang boleh dipercayai. Boleh tanya dengan Red Cross atau embassy negara kamu di negara yang kena bantai teruk tu = Who are the trusted local relief groups that can help us buy these supplies, and then send them in by lorries? Who can we trust?

MISALNYA, di Egypt dulu, Mercy Relief gunakan Egyptian Red Crescent - lihat GAMBAR pak chick kat dalam warehouse kumpulan ini, dengan gandum yang nak masuk Gaza.
Itu baru berat 35tan! Dan tentunya lebih murah gandum dibeli di Cairo dari di Singapura.

Bayangkan kamu nak bawa masuk bertan-tan gandum dari Singapura - mereka nak kena check setiap kantung di kastam airport!
Red Crescent Mesir kepalanya ialah Suzane Mubarak, isteri presiden tu. Kami dapat jumpa boss Red Crescent mereka, jadi ler. Berterima kasih.

Juga partner lagi satu ialah  Palestinian Red Crescent di Cairo. Kat sini Mercy Relief suruh mereka belikan wheelchair, tongkat dan perkakasan dan perubatan. Kami gi office mereka malam-malam buta nak check - ada tak benda-benda tu. Ini dibeli dengan donation orang beb. Kena amanah.
Kena kira berapa wheelchair, berapa kaki palsu, berapa botol ubat.
Tangkap gambar nak tunjuk donors.

Masuk Jerusalem pula - melalui airport Tel Aviv - dapat bantuan dari UNWRA - badan dalam UN. Naik van, cari warehouse mereka. Kena kira betul tak selimut, makanan, barang mainan kanak-kanak yang dipesan tu dah dibeli. Jumpa boss mereka.
Tangkap gambar agar boleh tunjuk donor di Singapork kelak.
Mereka beli semuanya di Israel, jadi tak payah punggah naik pesawat.
Kerana takut sangkut di airport Cairo, misalnya.

Putera Umno bawa masuk melalui Tokyo airport, misalnya, takut sangkut berhari-hari walaupun ada cop 'Top Priority', sebab banyak benda lebih besar yang masuk.
 Misalnya, kamu bawa 200 ton, tapi Amerika derma 2,000 ton, Korea derma 1,000 ton, ah mana kamu rasa yang lepas kastam dulu?
Jika dibeli di negara itu sendiri, dengan gunakan local partners, tak payah pakai kastam.
Cuma nak sewa lori hantar.
SIRI GAMBAR: Dari website Mercy Relief.
Maaf ler saya pakai logo Putera Umno, takut kamu ingat saya sokong mereka pulak. Saya cuma sokong kerja kebajikan mereka, naikkan nama bangsa, negara dan agama. Jangan mabuk togok sa-ke sudah ler Azeez.
Jika PAS atau DAP buat kerja sama, saya pasti masuk logo mereka, no problemo.

BUKAN tak pernah kena tipu. Pernah.
Sebab tu saya lihat kini Mercy Relief hantar first team masuk dulu sejurus selepas kena bencana - baik banjir Pakistan, gempa New Zealand dan gempa Jepun ni. Recce team ni pastikan apa yang kurang, nak beli apa di mana, melalui siapa.

Dan pada saya jika kamu baru satu-dua kali beli melalui mereka ni, jangan terus TT wang tunai RM1 juta. Cuba ler TT RM10,000 ke beli 100 kemah dan 1,000 selimut, lepas tu hantar recce team ke sana nak pastikan beli apa yang di order (4-men tent dan selimut tebal, bukan kemah kecik dan selimut nipis). Dan pastikan dihantar kepada orang yang memerlukan - bukan hantar kat rumah nenek depa.

YANG saya nampak mereka bawa masuk dari Singapork ialah water filtration machine (GAMBAR atas, dari sini). Lepas gempa, tsunami, banir, nak minum air paip dah tak ada.
Jadi mesin seperti ini sangat diperlukan. Dan tak ada jual kat kedai-kedai negara lain.
Kena bawa sistem seperti NEWater ni masuk ke sana. Kamu boleh tertawakan hari ini. Esok kita masalah tak ada air, perlu juga kena gunakan mesin tu.
Jika geli nak minum, masak dulu.
Jika geli juga, sekurangnya boleh gunakan untuk cebuk ler. Atau cuci baju dan lap badan. Dah emergency baru nanti kita cakap, okay!

Maaf jika tersinggung. Saya berbesar hati orang kita tolong orang yang susah. Cuma mungkin ini adalah cara lebih efficient. Lebih murah, lebih cepat sampai ke mereka yang memerlukan.
Yang pasti tentunya Putera Umno dah buat kiraan - kerana mereka dapat transport free, OKlah.
Teruskan perjuangan, braders.


Saya letak kat sini soalan Maam Gina dan jawapan Pak Chique Tua agar senang saya nak cari data ni jika ada soalan sama di masa depan.
Sebab jika diletak dalam Comments, tak akan jumpa bila Google Search blog ini.

Pak Chic Rem,

Menyimpang sikit soalan, maaf ya :).

Minta pandangan:
Adakah wajar untuk menjual property sudah habis bayar hutang bank (harga jualan RM150K, belian circa RM94K) 10 tahun lepas semata mata kerana malas dan remeh nak uruskan property tersebut?
Saya merasakan dengan duit penuh 150K untuk melabur dalam Amanah Saham dan setiap tahun duduk goyang kaki ambik bonus. Ini pendapat setelah mengambil kira kadar sewa yang rendah.

Mohon pendapat dari yang pakar.

29 March 2011 13:29

eeks pakar tak, tapi kalau orang main property dia kira macam ni. lebih kurang ler (mamat minah yg BETUL pakar tolong bantu):

1) dlm 3-5 tahun, agak naik harga tak rumah tu?
misalnya kita lihat boleh naik rm20,000 harganya dalam 3thn ni.
maka kiraannya: 20,000/150,000 x 100pct = 13.3pct harga rumah kamu naik.
jadi dalam setahun = 13.3/3 = 4.44pct pulangan (atau purata untung setahun = average rate of return a year).

2) lihat sini:

jika betul maklumat website ni, jika anda simpan wang 150,000 tu di fixed deposit, dapat pulangan (duit bunga) 2.85 pct.

jika kamu masukkan dalam bank islam, pulangan pun sama:

(lihat General Investment Account, 12months).

kenapa sama? jika tinggi sangat bezanya, nanti orang semua larikan wang dari bank biasa ke islamic bank.
sama juga jika rendah sangat, tak akan ada yg nak simpan deposit dlm islamic bank.

3) jika anda masukkan dalam ASN, lihat ni:

aiks. tinggi depa bayar! setiap unit yang anda masukkan dapat 7.50sen (tak termasuk bonus).

maknanya jika anda beli rm1 seunit, anda dapat pulangan 7.5pct setahun.
jika anda letak rm150,000 dan membeli satu unit rm1 (including fees), untungnya ialah rm11,250/12 = rm937.5 sebulan. boleh goyang kaki maam, kalau tak ada hutang lain.

tentang fees ni kena tanya baik2. yg jual unit trusts semua muka manis, tapi setiap kali kamu jual, kena bayar fees kpd mereka, tiap kali jual pun kena bayar.

lepas tu baca di sini top left:

ah, ada harga jual-beli ASN tu setiap hari. maaf saya tak pernah baca detail ASN ni sebab saya bukan warga maysia jadi tak boleh beli.
kamu kena check sendiri, rekod sejarah dividend (atau pulangan) ASN1, ASN2, ASB, ASW dan seterusnya.
tapi jika saya ada wang banyak, di sinilah saya letak duit saya = lebih tinggi dari FD di bank, lebih selamat dari jaga property (kalau naik rm20,000 sedap ler kita, tapi jika ia JATUH rm20,000 esok! hahaha).
property pun kalau sewanya tinggi barulah kita sewakan. yg lecenya kena cat selalu, jika paip bocor kena betulkan. kalau tidak, penyewa akan lari.
kadang penyewa kebas TV, almari, sofa kita!

4) kalau sewakan rumah, jika tak salah ini cara kira pulangan.
a) katalah sewanya rm800 sebulan:
rm800 x12bulan = rm9,600.

pulangan setahun:
9600/150,000 x100 = 6.4pct.

b) kalau sewa rm1,000, purata pulangan ialah = 8pct.
c) jika sewa rm600 sebulan = 4.8pct.

tapi jangan tertawakan orang yg ada property ni. kamu lihat saja dikeliling dunia. orang yg terkaya mana pun, kekayaannya dibantu oleh hartanah (tanah atau rumah). li ka shing dari hong kong, ng teng fong dari singapore, donal trump USA, dan juga di maysia seperti ytl dan berjaya.
orang kat bangsar, damansara heights dan taman tun 20thn dulu rumahnya hanya rm500,000 rm800,000. kini berjuta.

rule of thumb beli rumah: beli rumah cecah tanah (landed property) yg terbesar yg anda mampu, sebab lebih cepat naik harga!
saya perhatikan harga di melawati, ampang, keramat, setiawangsa berbanding harga rumah teres. hanya 10thn dulu banglo rm1 juta kini dah naik rm3juta-5juta (naik 200-400pct).
rumah teres dulu rm200,000 naik hanya ke rm400,000 (100pct).
banglo di atas bukit setiawangsa tu dulu hanya rm400,000 semasa dibuat. masa saya masuk kl 1994, orang nak jual rm800,000 saya tak mampu. kini kalau tak ada paling kurang rm2.5juta tak payah bual.
tapi teres setiawangsa, harga jual rm180,000. lepas tu naik 380,000. kini nak melepasi rm450,000 pun payah, unless ada extensive renovation.
29 March 2011 14:48


Terima Kasih banyak banyak pak Chic Rem.
Saya tak rasa harga akan naik sangat kerana hartanah ini terletak di kawasan ulu sidam :).

Dan saya sudah berkira dalam kepala untuk melaburkan dalam ASB sahaja sambil duduk goyang kaki, ambik dividen bayar zakat 2.5% dan lebihnya cuma buat simpanan - peram lagi.

Tips Pak Chic amat membantu.

29 March 2011 15:11

maaf gina,
pak chic tenggelam kerja tadi. dah 2pagi baru balik kerja.

selain ASN orang maysia boleh juga melabur melalui Tabung Haji.
dan yg dah ada wang EPF, mungkin teruskan saja jgn dikeluarkan utk gi holiday atau beli kereta besar apabila dah masuk 55-60thn oi. nanti dah 65thn duit dah pokai, kena tendang oleh anak kamu duduk bawah rumah panggung, macam p.ramlee.

1) nampaknya, sejarah dividen ASN baik.
paling kurang depa bayar dividen ialah 7.0pct.

saya tak masukkan kiraan Bonus Dividend sebab itu nanti memanjangkan cerita.
sejarah dividen asn:

2) tabung haji pula rendah. sekitar 5pct dividen dlm beberapa tahun ini, tapi pernah rendah dari itu:

3) bila kamu dah retire, wang epf nak keluarkan masuk asn, tabung haji atau nak kawin lagi (opocot)?
suka hatilah. tapi ini sejarah dividennya:

tapi saya difahamkan, dividen tabung haji tu dibayar kpd anda setelah DITOLAK bayaran zakat.
yg anda dapat tu tak payah bayar zakat lagi. berbanding dgn wang epf yg belum berzakat dan belum kena tolak income tax.

dan mesti dan mestilah anda bertanya dulu: setiap kali saya beli, berapa feesnya? berapa percent dari rm150,000 saya ni anda makan?
dan setiap tahun jika saya TIDAK keluarkan, berapa feesnya?
dan jika jual sedikit atau tutup akaun, berapa pula kamu makan?
macam2 sebab mereka nak makan duit anda. maklumlah anda menumpang dgn mereka nak untung. mereka pun nak untung juga sebab jaga wang anda, dan laburkan wang anda.
baca ni tentang fees:

dah baca gini, baru anda tahu kenapa saya tak suka sangat dgn unit trust ni. saya beli emas dan perak, dan collectibles lain.

dan utk keselamatan anda, diversify wang anda.
jangan semua masukkan satu tempat.
memanglah kita tak jangka kerajaan akan berani kata wang asn dan tabung haji dah habis, atau tak akan bayar dividen lagi.
tapi manalah tahu.

rakan saya omputeh amerikan yg lama tinggal di spork, kawin pompuan melayu. kini dah balik kampung di Ohio dgn bininya. syiok anaknya jawa-american main snow.
bila amerika kena banking scandal dan economic recession 2008, habis simpanan 401k nya = ini skim macam EPF.

jadi jika ada rm150,000 tu mungkin letak sana separuh, yg lainnya disimpan dalam aset lain.
kalau saya ada rm80,000-rm90,000 misalnya, di kl dan selangor banyak flat dua bilik harga itu, yg terletak dekat dgn stesen LRT. kamu beli dan sewakan ler.
(saya tak boleh beli sebab bukan warga maysia).

misalnya kamu beli rm90,000 dan sewakan rm700 (satu bilik rm350 utk orang bujang), pulangan ialah 700x12/90,000 = 9.3pct. lebih tinggi dari ASN beb.

and for goodness sakes, jangan bawa cash macam mike tyson selangor dulu bila ke ASN atau tabung haji.
tak pernah dengar perkataan Cheque ke?
nanti kena rompak susah.
30 March 2011 02:18

Spring Is In The Air...

Gardening over the weekend,

Made me stop and think,

About Spring.
Droplets of happiness.
Just springing up all over.

 Have you felt that Spring
in your steps yet?

My Sis,
Sweet Marydon
@ Blushing Rose,
Is celebrating her
"Love Is" Monday.
Please stop by and visit
each of the participants.

 And what would Spring
 be without Daffodils?
  Or Baby Chicks?

    As always,
  thank you for stopping by,

  my little piece of heaven,

        here in the desert,

   that I so love to call home.

    Country hugs and much love,

post signature

Of windstorms and egos.

Image from Dover Books Art Deco Motifs


Is this thing on?

Yes, I'm still buried in the move. I wish we were moved already. I'm tired of living out of boxes, putting stuff back into boxes, digging around in boxes for that thing I need that I can not find... I like having roots. Even if I have moved over 32 times in 47 years, I don't like living out of a suitcase. Our new home is just lovely and I'd like to wiggle my nose and have it all unpacked and pretty and be there, settled. Alas and alack...there must be packing and unpacking and placing of furniture and accessories before that delicious moment arrives.

I simply don't have enough time to do that and my full time job and carve out time for Madge's Musings.

Blogging is silly, really. It's an act of pure narcissism to think that anyone else gives three farts in a windstorm what you think and what you're doing every day. You post and you post, free stuff, good ideas, musings and revelations...and then at some point you look at it all and wonder...what was the point, exactly?

Some people post a lot. They post a lot and they give away a lot of good ideas. Some people post sporadically in clusters of posts followed by weeks of silence. Some people post about their personal lives and some people don't reveal much at all. Some people get tons of comments and some none at all. It helps to get comments if you regularly give away a lot of free stuff. Free prizes, free ideas, pictures of your work which other people are mostly just downloading so they can copy it. I think a lot of the internet is about people wanting free stuff, which starts to frustrate folks who make a living from their ideas and their creativity.

We can't give it all away, after all.

When I first started blogging, I posted every single day for almost two years. I barely even promoted the blog, I didn't even know how to promote a blog. I think the reason I did it at first was because by doing it publicly, I became accountable. It wasn't a dog eared diary sitting on a shelf. People were waiting for me to post. There was a reason.

Though perhaps even that assessment was mostly ego driven.

Does anyone really wait for me to post?

Is my blog sitting here pouting in a corner if I neglect it? Are people sitting at the other side of their computer screens waiting breathlessly for whatever drivel manages to spill out of my brain at any given moment?

If I stopped blogging, tweeting and Facebook sharing, would anyone give three farts in a windstorm?

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Stanford, Cambridge, Imperial...pembangkang S'pore

Nampaknya jadi juga pulau kecik di bawah ketiak Maysia ni adakan pilihanraya bulan depan (April) atau awal Mei.
Yang menarik ialah quality dan umur muda pemimpin pembangkang yang tentunya menggerunkan PAP.

Dulu parti pemerintah saja yang keluarkan orang yang teror kelayakan.
Kini dari kaum pembangkang ni dah ada Rhodes scholar dari Stanford di US, Cambridge, Imperial College.
Nasib baik saya tak masuk pembangkang, jika tidak akan melambung qualification mereka, sebab saya dari Oxford-MIT-UIA Gombak-Ecole Polytechnique  sekaligus. Maklum bijaksana laksamana.
(Tak semestinya pandai belajar akan pandai berpolitik. Tapi diharap mereka lebih bijak buat kerja berbanding orang yang hanya pandai berceramah pekik lolong).

PAP gerun ke? You betcha.
Dulu Parti Tindakan Rakyat atau PeTiR (PAP dalam Bahasa Melayu) mulakan skim GRC kerana katanya takut MP dari kaum Melayu atau India tak dapat masuk Parlimen. Katanya dulu, jika satu lawan satu, dan candidate malayo lawan candidate cainis, takut pengundi yang ramai cainis pilih kaum sendiri.
Dalam skim GRC - unik kerana tak ada sistem serupa di serata dunia - kamu bukan undi untuk satu kerusi.
Tapi empat hingga enam kawasanundi disatukan . Dan setiap team PAP tu ada anchor nya iaitu seorang menteri.
Di sini detail yang pernah saya tulis.
Di kawansanundi saya, Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC ada dua menteri, satu MP malayo, satu MP india dan satu pompuan.

Kerana gerun rakyat marah akibat isu FT (foreign talent = foreign workers) dan harga barang naik serta gap besar antara miskin dan kaya, maka kini PAP buat lebih banyak kerusi single-seat macam dulu. Dia nak umpan pembangkang masuk kerusi seperti ini, agar bila kalah, satu kerusi saja beb.
Dah ngobrol isu-isu panas di Temasek pulau comel di sini.
Kalau orang macam saya yang pro-PAP nak lari duduk kat Maysia, apa lagi yang lain yang tak boleh lari.
Ramai orang kaya Singapore ni sama macam orang kaya cina Malaysia - ada paspot kedua Australia, US, Canada, Britain.
Orang kaya cina Indon pula ramai ada paspot Singapura.
Orang miskin malayo Singapura pula (macam saya) ada exit kedua - lari ke kampung Datuk Keramat di KL.

Dulu pada saya Singapura ialah 'Islamic state' yang tak gunakan label Islam.
The nearest to a contemporary Islamic state dulu, pada saya, ialah Singapoora.

"Eh mereka kan kapir harbi?"
Mereka bukanlah Islamic state macam Iran, Saudi, Maysia, Mesir.
Tapi sikap dan sifat Islamik mereka begitu baik - rakyat dikerah kerja kuat, satu hati, pemerintah suruh rakyat bersih sehingga kena jaga jamban, dan bersih tak rasuah, kaum minoriti dijaga.
Ekonomi mantap, brand name dan soft image Singapore sesuatu yang ramai nak capai.
"Tapi Melayu Singapork kena tindas!" - pembaca dah lawan pedang dengan saya kat sini dulu.
Tak kisah siapa yang betul ler, ini pandangan masing-masing. Bottomlinenya, pada saya, minoriti Melayu di sini lebih baik dijaga berbanding minoriti di Thailand, Philippines, Saudi dan Bahrain (syiahs), India, Soviet dan China (muslims), etc.

Nak kata negara lain yang ada label Islam tu Islamic state masa ini, agak payah.
Sebab banyak corruption dan kerajaannya selalu songsang atau lemah.
Nak planning tak pandai, dan sibuk tentang isu remeh daripada isu penting, sibuk paksa pompuan pakai tudung tapi tak bising tentang skandal rasuah berbilion yang curi duit rakyat.
Sibuk buka madrasah tapi tak puji sebagai berjihad orang yang ambil ilmu engineering, bina robot dan repair kepala paip (jika baca cerita Pakistan, kita akan seram sejuk).
Saya baca cerita-cerita rasuah di Indonesia pun hingga malu - kementerian ehwal Islam kebas duit orang gi haji! Menteri kemasyarakatan songlap duit tsunami Sumatra!

Tapi kini dah tak 'Islamic' lagilah Singapork ni dan PAP ni, pada saya.
Selain kasino, mereka naikkan gaji Presiden kepada S$4.2 juta setahun! Naik gaji S$890,000, eh apa nih! Kamu tambahkan gap poor-rich, bukan susah mana jadi Presiden ni.

Nasib baik ada Turki yang naikkan martabat agama untuk umat m ni - sini dan sini.

Lihat masalah kasino ni - dah mula melanda kerajaan Malaysia - berita di akhbar Cina Maysia = saudara lelaki ('brother') seorang timbalan menteri Malaysia kini bersembunyi setelah kalah S$2 juta (RM4.8 juta) di dua kasino Singapore! Ah kau!
Akhbar tulisan Cina, jadi saya tak tahu nak cari link. Ada Translation Desk di tempat kerja saya, jadi saya tahu semua headline di akhbar-akhbar.
Saya dah diberitahu siapa orang politik itu, tapi biarlah kita tunggu cerita ni meletup. Takut orang kata media Singapork ada agenda.

Kerana makin ramai marah isu seperti FT, inflasi, jurang kaya-miskin dan juga kasino, maka siap kau PAP!
Yang marah tentang kasino ni bukan muslim saja, tapi pihak kristian dan buddhist juga. Orang bertanya - kita nak tarik pelancong, but at what cost?
Dah banyak cerita dan desas-desus orang boring kat rumah di Temasek (termasuk pesara) lalu bawa duit sikit ke kasino. Maklumlah, naik MRT dah sampai. Dulu nak ke Genting kena tidor semalaman di sana, kena naik pesawat atau/dan bas/teksi.
Duit sikit tu habis, ah pek dan nonya tambah dan tambah lagi sehingga pokai.

MELIHAT sesuatu macam tak kena dengan negara pulau inilah yang membuat lebih ramai orang berkelayakan tinggi masuk pembangkang. Walhal jika mereka masuk PAP gerenti gaji besao giler.

Tapi pembangkang kat Singapork ni macam pembangkang Maysia. Dia suka gaduh sama sendiri sehingga nampaknya ada 3-corner fights.

Rekod di Singapore dulu ialah adanya EMPAT pembangkang di Parlimen. Kini hanya 2-setengah.
Yang setengah tu ialah NCMP - Non-Constituency MP.
Pembangkang yang kalah tapi paling banyak undi, ada hak pilih nak masuk Parlimen atau tidak. Cuma beliau tak boleh mengundi dalam sesuatu bil tapi boleh bahas.

Pembangkang kini mengharap dapat menang 4-6 kerusi sekaligus untuk menang GRC.
Chiam See Tong, pembangkang No.1 di republik ni, nak lari dari single-seatnya di Potong Pasir. Kerusi itu diletak isterinya.
Beliau nak masuk GRC saya, Bishan-Toa Payoh.
Eeks nak lawan dua menteri.
Juga ada beberapa GRC lain di mana pembangkang harap nak menang GRC buat pertama kali kerana ramai pembangkang kini ada brand genius kerana kelayakan tinggi.
Jika menang, a big psychological break for the opposition. Dan akan bermula turunnya nama PAP di pulau ni.

Lee Kuan Yew:
There will come a time when the public would eventually say: ‘Look, let’s try the other side either because the PAP has declined in quality or the opposition has put up a team which is equal to the PAP’s and they’ll say, let’s try the other side’.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Bila saya tiba di Kay El penghujung 1994, terkejut al-berok juga dalam beberapa hal.
Antaranya ialah banyaknya masjid dan surau. Dan yang saya pening, masih banyak juga orang terus makan rasuah dan songlap duit rakyat.
Maaflah ini pandangan orang luar.
If there are more religious people in Malaysia today, how come corruption and robbery of public money are continuing unabated? Erke.
1000 apologies. Bukan saya saja yang kata gini rupanya, tapi bisikan orang bangsa lain yang kerap saya dengar dan baca kat Internet.

Di Singapork, di kebanyakan tempat kamu pandai-pandailah nak hidup jika nak solat.
Nak wudhuk pun siksa sebab kena pakai sinki dalam toilet.
Lepas tu nak basuh kaki amacam? Takkan nak naikkan kaki ke dalam sinki. Kenalah bawa botol air yang boleh dibawa lari ke dalam jamban.

Nak solat pulak macam-macam cara dan taktik.
Jantan macam saya lebih mudah berbanding pompuan yang kena pakai telekong. Lepas tu kena solat di tempat tak ada kipas atau aircon. Itulah nama Eeee-maan (iman). Phwee-weet.

Saya teringat cerita-cerita lama saya setelah terbaca cerita mamat di Amerika ni. Kasihan depa nak solat susah betul nak cari tempat.
Tak macam di Malaysia - kat mana pun ada surau (juga di Jakarta).

Kena cari tempat nak solat setiap kali. Biasanya tak selesa:

"My head and knees are now on the floor next to the gap in the door, and everything is going smoothly. I glance to my left and the Gap employee, having bent down, is now staring at me and asking, "Sir, is everything all right?"

Baca cerita lucunya di sini.
Salon ialah majalah online Amerika yang begitu popular - ia memasyarakatkan cerita-cerita kehidupan dan politik.

Untuk anak-anakku yang untung membesar di Malaysia, ihsan rakyat negara itu - Inilah antara tempat yang saya pernah buat di Temasek (dari tempat kerja pertama saya):

1) Dalam meeting room, tangga dan atas bumbung (bangunan ni 4tingkat). Syarikat Guthrie Engineering, masa tu milik MCA tapi ada branch besar buat kerja electrical dan mechanical works sebagai kontraktor besar. Saya kerja jadi sebagai mechanical draughtsman (atau American spelling = draftsman. Pelukis pelan projek-projek). Syarikat di Sixth Avenue, dekat Bukit Timah, kawasan orang kaya.
2) Di basement sebuah banglo besar, syarikat architect dan engineers International Project Consultants. Saya draughtsman di M and E Department (mechanical and electrical). Ini rumah panggung - a huge old British bungalow - yang di convert jadi pejabat. Basementnya gelap jadi store room, di Pasir Panjang Hill - depan bekas Keppel Shipyard (kini dah jadi condo-condo lux).

3) Tangga, syarikat M and E consultants BH Tan Engineers, dekat Middle Road. Juga draughtsman. Kadang sempat lari juga ke masjid orang tabligh dan kaum India, Bencoolen Street mosque.
4) Surau aircon. Jadi wartawan di Berita Harian Singapork tahun 1987. Masa tu pejabat Singapore Press Holdings di Kim Seng Road-River Valley Road -- tak jauh dari Orchard.
Kamu belum lahir, pak chic dah jadi wartawan dah. Dah 24 tahun buat kerja terkutuk sebagai reporter. Agaknya mati lagi pegang pensil dan buku nota, atau kat keyboard. Takpe ler, jangan kojol dalam spa sudah.

5) Surau panas di basement 3, di bangunan di tengah pusat kewangan Singapura dan pada masa itu pusat kewangan yang number 5-6 di dunia (selepas New York, London, Tokyo, Frankfurt, Hong Kong). Kini Singapork No.2 dalam financial services selepas NYC. Cerita lama saya kerja di Raffles Place juga di sini.
Bangunan pejabat untuk syarikat saya masa tu, AP-Dow Jones, di HQ Standard Chartered Bank, jadi bangunan tu marble merah-coklat warna korporat bank British tu.
Nasib baik ramai pak chik alim kat situ, jadi ada surau kat basement sebab mereka tentunya minta lama dulu.
Juga ada surau di basement berdepan bangunan pejabat saya - Shell Tower (HQ syarikat minyak Shell).
Yang bagusnya kedua surau ni agak besar dan wanita pun boleh tumpang sekaki.
Tak tahulah masih ada atau tidak.

Tapi kini di kawasan ada masjid bawah tanah yang ada aircon!
The mosque in the basement of Singapore - dan mungkin juga satu-satunya masjid di bawah tanah (literally underground) di Asia, mungkin di dunia pun kot.
Basement 3 atau 4 ada masjid. Tak apalah, asal ada tempat selesa untuk lelaki dan wanita. Ber-aircon you, betul2 depan Macdonalds! Tapi sedih juga agama kita dibasementkan. Maklumlah miskin. Out of sight, out of their minds, agaknya.
Ini cerita kenapa masjid tu ditenggelamkan - sini.

6) Lepas tu masuk Maysia. Aish! Kat Reuters (bangunan Wisma Budiman) tu ada surau. Wooi.
Lepas tu pindah ke Petronas Twin Towers, di Tower 1 ada surau. Lupa tingkat berapa, tapi besar betul! Ia digunakan oleh Petronas.
7) Pindah ke Reuters Singapork. Aish, ada surau juga! Ini di Reuters di Temasek, di Science Park Drive (dekat NUS). Bagus betul syarikat British ni.

8) Pindah semula saya ke KL dengan Straits Times. Di Menara Dion di Jalan Pinang dan pindah ke Etiqa Twins (dulu MNI Twins), depan KLCC, pun ada surau. Besao surau kat Maysia ni.Untung kamu dapat ada ceramah sekali oi. Sayangilah negara kamu, atas usaha pemimpin umat m semua tempat diwajibkan ada surau.
9) Kemudian saya pindah ke SPH di Toa Payoh, Singapork. Ada surau di Berita Harian Singapoora, dan juga di satu kornar lagi untuk para drebar - yang ni panas sebab tak ada aircon.

AH, itulah cerita pak chic. Untung kamu di Maysia, malah di Temasek.

Di Amerika ni (cerita asal dari Salon) masih susah sebab masih minoriti terlalu lemah.

Al Khatam.

Making A Lasting Contribution

Dear Friends,
      Good Evening!
A pleasant and refreshing evening to one and  all..I am writing a post after ten days...Since two was  and work!When I am tired of my workload,I think of the unemployed ,the less fortunate those who wish they had my job.
But I must say,you were in my thoughts.Thanks a bunch to all my dearies who took time and remembered  to reach me on my Special Day by calls,mails,greetings and chat messages.It was a real special day!Those who know my liking for flowers showered flowers.....I am so touched.God Bless You!Magical things tend to happen in life at any unexpected time.I think,I don't thank you enough for your gifts as beautiful words and wonderful greetings.
Even when stressed with the workload,
The cute orange butterflies fluttering on the bushes
The new blooms opening in the garden,
The bees sparkling in the sunlight,
Accepting a warm smile from a friend,
Bring happiness to the moments of day to day life!
May you find happiness in small and simple things
We don't know which carry the seeds of blessings!
I am so happy I have good friends like you!
I am not losing myself in work because of you.
I learned only a sound sleep gives me
A better and refreshing new day!
Recharging is very much necessary
To be better persons in life.
Enthusiasm is so powerful and contageous.
We have to get motivated and excited
About something in our lives.
Once as akid you were the apple of everyone's eyes
We can be the same with some thoughtful acts!
So,finding a balance between life and work,
Let us make a lasting contribution!
The woods are lovely green and shady
Let me walk into the beautiful greens
Holding your hands so strong and caring,
Basking in the hope and security yo give.
In your company everything looks more fascinating
Feeling the deep,lasting and tender love.
''Heart beats are countless, spirits are ageless, dreams are endless, memories are timeless and a friend like you is Priceless''.
Hope you are fine.
Anu loves you dil se....
Wishing you a lovely and relaxing Sunday,
   It's Anu Signing off........

Truth about The Malaysian Economy, Race, APCO, 1Malaysia, Scandals, Corruption, and etc - Opposition Leader Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim

Dato' Seri Anwar bin Ibrahim (born 10 August 1947) is a Malaysian politician who served as Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister from 1993 to 1998. Early in his career, Anwar was a close ally of Prime Minister Mahathir bin Mohamad but subsequently emerged as the most prominent critic of Mahathir's government.

In 1999, he was sentenced to six years in prison for corruption, and in 2000, to another nine years for sodomy. In 2004, the Federal Court reversed the second conviction and he was released. In July 2008, he was arrested over allegations he sodomised a male aide, and faces new sodomy charges in the Malaysian courts.

On 26 August 2008, Anwar won re-election in the Permatang Pauh by-election and returned to Parliament as leader of the Malaysian opposition. He has stated the need for liberalisation, including an independent judiciary and free media, to combat the endemic corruption that he considers pushes Malaysia close to failed state status

In November 2006, Anwar announced he planned to run for Parliament in 2008, after his disqualification expired. Anwar has been critical of government policies since his release from prison, most notably of the controversial New Economic Policy (NEP), which provides affirmative action for the Bumiputras. The policy sets a number of quotas, such as for units of housing and initial public offerings, that must be met.

He is also the Advisor of Parti Keadilan Rakyat, the party of which his wife Dr. Wan Azizah is president. He was in the forefront in organising a November 2007 mass rally, called the 2007 Bersih Rally, which took place in the Dataran Merdeka Kuala Lumpur to demand clean and fair elections. The gathering was organised by BERSIH, a coalition comprising political parties and civil society groups, and drew supporters from all over the country.

The 2008 election date, however, was set for 8 March 2008, sparking criticisms that Barisan Nasional called for early elections in a bid to deny Anwar's plans for a return to Parliament. In response, Anwar's wife, Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, declared that she would step down should she retain her Permatang Pauh parliamentary seat to force a by-election in which Anwar himself would contest.

When asked about the possibility of Anwar becoming the next Prime Minister, former leader Tun Dr. Mahathir reacted by saying rather sarcastically, "He would make a good Prime Minister of Israel".

On April 14, 2008, Anwar celebrated his official return to the political stage, as his ban from public office expired a decade after he was fired as Deputy Prime Minister. One of the main reasons the opposition seized a third of parliamentary seats and five states in the worst ever showing for the Barisan Nasional coalition that has ruled for half a century, was due to him leading at the helm. A gathering of more than 1,000 supporters greeted Anwar in a rally welcoming his return to politics. Police interrupted Anwar after he had addressed the rally for nearly two hours and called for him to stop the gathering since there was no legal permission for the rally.

On April 29, 2008, after 10 years of absence, he returned to the Parliament, albeit upon invitation as a spouse guest of Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, People's Justice Party and the first female opposition leader in Malaysian Parliament's history.

University of Westminster, London; 19 March 2010
Anwar Ibrahim Part 1 of 7

Anwar Ibrahim Part 2 of 7

Anwar Ibrahim Part 3 of 7

Anwar Ibrahim Part 4 of 7

Anwar Ibrahim Part 5 of 7

Anwar Ibrahim Part 6 of 7

Anwar Ibrahim Part 7 of 7

Batu Caves, Selangor; 11th February 2010
Save Malaysia Rally at Batu Caves Part 1 of 6

Save Malaysia Rally at Batu Caves Part 2 of 6

Save Malaysia Rally at Batu Caves Part 3 of 6

Save Malaysia Rally at Batu Caves Part 4 of 6

Save Malaysia Rally at Batu Caves Part 5 of 6

Save Malaysia Rally at Batu Caves Part 6 of 6

Press Conference at the London School of Economics (LSE) - 18th March 2010
APCO Should Not Be Involved In The Domestic Politics

On Malaysian Economy

You Can't Fight UMNO's Racism With Racist Agenda

Race Relations In Malaysia

Press Conference at the London School of Economics (Bahasa Malaysia)

Siapa bela APCO (Israel), Umno?
Ucapan Ketua Pembangkang Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim membahaskan Usul Menteri Di Jabatan Perdana Menteri menghadapkan beliau kepada Jawatankuasa Hak dan Kebebasan mengenai Isu 1Malaysia 1Israel pada 22 April 2010

Siapa bela APCO (Israel), Umno? Part 1 of 3

Siapa bela APCO (Israel), Umno? Part 2 of 3

Siapa bela APCO (Israel), Umno? Part 3 of 3

Umno, Judi, APCO dan Israel; 8 Jun 2010
Umno, Judi, APCO dan Israel (1) - Ceramah Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim di Stadium Selayang pada 8 Jun 2010. Turut hadir Dato' Seri Tuan Guru Abdul Hadi Awang, Dr Tan Seng Giaw, Dato' Mahfuz Omar, Azmin Ali.

Umno, Judi, APCO dan Israel Part 1 of 3

Umno, Judi, APCO dan Israel Part 2 of 3

Umno, Judi, APCO dan Israel Part 3 of 3

Perbahasan Bajet 2011 - Oct 18, 2010
Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim - Part 1 of 3

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim - Part 2 of 3

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim - Part 3 of 3

From 513 to 1Malaysia:
Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim Part 1 of 2

Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim Part 2 of 2

- Mar 7, 2010
Sultan Sulaiman Club, Kg Baru, Kuala Lumpur, : Pakatan Rakyat 2nd Anniversary.

Celebration Rally - Part 1 of 5

Celebration Rally - Part 2 of 5

Celebration Rally - Part 3 of 5

Celebration Rally - Part 4 of 5

Celebration Rally - Part 5 of 5

Selangor Pakatan Rakyat 2010 Convention
Anwar Ibrahim - Part 1 of 2

Anwar Ibrahim - Part 2 of 2

Pakatan Rakyat Sabah Kota Kinabalu 2010 CNYAnwar Ibrahim - Part 1 of 5

Anwar Ibrahim - Part 2 of 5

Anwar Ibrahim - Part 3 of 5

Anwar Ibrahim - Part 4 of 5

Anwar Ibrahim - Part 5 of 5

Di Stadium Malawati Shah Alam: 1st July 2008
Meliwat-liwat Anwar Ibrahim Part 1 of 7

Meliwat-liwat Anwar Ibrahim Part 2 of 7

Meliwat-liwat Anwar Ibrahim Part 3 of 7

Meliwat-liwat Anwar Ibrahim Part 4 of 7

Meliwat-liwat Anwar Ibrahim Part 5 of 7

Meliwat-liwat Anwar Ibrahim Part 6 of 7

Meliwat-liwat Anwar Ibrahim Part 7 of 7

OsloFreedomForum | May 11, 2010
Malaysian opposition leader and former deputy prime minister Anwar Ibrahim discusses the new generation of human rights violators: governments that hide behind the façade of democracy and commit crimes in its name. Facing trial, but still striving to break more than fifty years of single-party rule in Malaysia, he remains steadfast in his optimism and trust in true democracy and the wisdom of the masses. Fighting not only for freedom of speech, but also freedom after speech, he implores citizens to scrutinize the validity of vote-winning slogans such as freedom, democracy, and human rights, which are all too often empty or skewed.

Anwar Ibrahim - Oslo Freedom Forum 2010 - Part 1 of 2

Anwar Ibrahim - Oslo Freedom Forum 2010 - Part 2 of 2

Labis, Johor 06/01/2011Ubah Sekarang, Selamatkan Malaysia - Part 1 of 2

Ubah Sekarang, Selamatkan Malaysia - Part 2 of 2

Anwar's ceramah disrupted by FRU - Mar 25, 2011
Two PKR Youth members were arrested and the crowd became unruly during a ceramah by opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim in Gombak tonight. About 10 policemen charged in to prevent the PKR de facto leader from speaking for more than the 15 minutes he was allocated.

Part 1 of 2

Part 2 of 2

Merlimau by Election: Jan 03, 2011
Anwar Ibrahim - Part 1 of 2

Anwar Ibrahim - Part 2 of 2

Ceramah At Felda Chemplak 03/01/2011 - Part 1 of 2

Ceramah At Felda Chemplak 03/01/2011 - Part 2 of 2

Ceramah At Tenang 03/01/2011 - Part 1 of 2

Ceramah At Tenang 03/01/2011 - Part 2 of 2

Ceramah At Felda Chemplak 03/01/2011 - Part 1 of 2

Ceramah At Felda Chemplak 03/01/2011 - Part 2 of 2

Negara Bankrap Sebab Rasuah
Tenang By-Election 22/01/2011

Taman Melati, Wangsa Maju, Kuala Lumur 14/12/2010Anwar Ibrahim - Part 1 of 3

Anwar Ibrahim - Part 2 of 3

Anwar Ibrahim - Part 3 of 3

To The Friends of Pakatan Rakyat In London

Protest Against Israeli Deadly Raid
US Embassy, Kuala Lumpur 04/06/2010

Law conferenceNow that the 15th Malaysian Law Conference has come to a close, Anwar Ibrahim and the Bar Council organising committee are making light the controversy caused by the opposition leader's presence at the conference.

As Anwar gave his closing address, he applauded the organising committee's bravado for inviting him to the event, a move that was said to have cost Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail's presence. "Really, I should say that words can't convey my profound appreciation for the 'slings and arrows of outrageous fortune' that your organisation had to suffer by inviting me her.

Malaysia For Change:

Matrix Of Evil

MATRIX OF EVIL Some of the best minds in the country, coming from different sectors of the political spectrum combine in this film to expose an intricate web of deceitful wickedness controlling America today. Matrix of Evil contains footage from speeches and conversations with Alex Jones, Congressman Ron Paul, Colonel Craig Roberts, Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney and Frank Morales which cover and include: -How the private banks control the military-industrial complex -Expert analysis of the USA Patriot Act and the latest police state developments -Globalist financial policies pushing America and the world into depression -How the neoconservative movement controlling the Bush administration is nothing more than a Trojan horse for a big government agenda of ivory tower social engineers -The latest revelations concerning cashless society control grid, satellite tracking, cellphone tracking, DARPA surveillance, the end of Posse Comitatus, the federalization of local police and governments and much more.. -Government-sponsored terrorism, gun control, political assassinations, Sept. 11th cover-up Most importantly, Matrix of Evil is chock-full of solutions. All of the dynamic people interviewed for this film agreed that there is a massive awakening taking place in America to the criminal activities of the global elite.