Tuesday, April 27, 2010

We Are Off To Arlington Cemetery ...

Buttercup - Buttercup Counts Her Blessings, Marydon - Blushing Rose, and myself went off to the Arlington Cemetery for our Sunday tour. Buttercup came down from New York for the Saturday tea party. I was so thrilled to meet the beautiful lady behind the blog. She is absolutely gorgeous in person and a walking book of knowledge. I so enjoyed my visit with her. Like any visit, there is never enough time. If you haven't visited Buttercup, please pop over and say hi.  You will be so blessed believe me. After visiting my post, click on Marydon's link and go see another piece of our trip we shared together. We thought it would be fun for you all to blog hop back and forth. And we are off.

Now Mr. Country Wings gave me specific instructions to go and see Audie Murphy's burial place. He was the most decorated American soldier in World War II, and one of Mr. Country Wings favorite western actors. So, here I am DH, just for you.

One of the beautiful gardens we passed along the tour.

I was so honored to be able to stand and watch the changing of the wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. It was one of the most moving moments I have ever been privledged to observe. I couldn't wipe the tears fast enough. It tugged at my heart.

Here Buttercup and I stand in front of the tomb. It is such an awesome site.

Just me and my shadow.

Here I am at the eternal flame of President John F. Kennedy. It was put out one time by accident when a Catholic school group doused it with Holy water. A quick thinking guard quickly relit the flame with a lighter. The current flame burns in the center of a 5-foot circle of granite at the head of the grave. If it is ever extinguished, a flashing electric spark near the tip of the nozzle relights it instantly. And occasionally, the flame is shut off for maintenance.

Look at the beautiful scene behind me. You can see everything from this hillside. I found it to be quite breathtaking. Marydon and Harold, thank you so much for sharing this beautiful piece of history with me. I couldn't have asked for better guides than the two of you. You are the BEST.

As always, thank you for stopping by my little piece of heaven here in the desert, that I so love to call home. Don't forget to go and visit Marydon at Blushing Rose and see another piece of our time together. Memories to last a lifetime. Country hugs,

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