Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day and Thank You Veterans

Today is a special day set aside to thank all veterans who have and are serving in the war. I would like to take a moment this morning to thank the following veterans in my life:

Daddy: Theodore Phillip Rogers Sr.

 FIL: Aloysius William Smith - passed but not forgotten

Dear Husband: Anthony Ernest Smith I

Son: Anthony Ernest Smith II

Son-In-Law: Ryan Abate

Uncle: Jack Rogers

Uncle: Monte Rogers

Uncle: Dean Choate - passed - but not forgotten

Uncle: Matt Choate - passed - but not forgotten

Uncle: Doyle Choate - passed - but not forgotten

Thank you all for assisting in the freedoms that we have today in this country that we call AMERICA. You all played an important part and I salute you on this day that is set aside especially for each of you.

I would also like to say THANK YOU to our soldiers that are still serving this country and still giving us SO many freedoms. I pray for each of you every night and for your families that you have had to leave behind. May you feel these prayers each day and night and find comfort in knowing that you are each loved and appreciated for everything that you have done and continue to do each and every day that you serve in this war. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. God Bless You All. May you always feel his presence when you walk through each and every day.

As always thank you for stopping by my little piece of heaven here in the desert, that I so love to call home. Country hugs and much love...

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