Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I've Had Another Set Back...

Today I had an appointment with my Primary Care Physician. I have been running another fever and it appears my infection is going back into bronchitis again. It has also backed up into both ears.  I was put back on antibiotics and more steroids. I am still having a really bad time with my asthma.  I will be seeing the Pulmonary Specialist on Friday. I am really having problems fighting this one off. Please continue to keep me in your prayers.

I am not taking calls or visitors at this time.  It makes me cough when I talk, and unfortunately right now, I am doing good to just walk the length of our hall. I cannot EVER remember being this sick.

Thank you for the many prayers, the cards (they have so lifted my spirits), several beautiful gifts of love and the many comments that you have left me. I have not visited blogs, but I do try to come online and read my comments. Thank you so much, each and every one of you. I am so truly blessed. Country hugs and so much love...

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