Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Life Crafting 101 with Madge

Montego Bay Jamaica Image Copyright 2009 Margot Potter
I’m prepping for a taped radio interview this morning from the folks at Reclaim U. It’s a motivational website. Motivation and inspiration are things we can all use in these trying times. I am a firm believer in creating reality, and I also know that sometimes chaos steps in and the best we can do is to trust. Trust our instincts. Trust our vision. Trust in the infinite power of unconditional love that is always working in our favor. Throw on your captain’s hat, batton down the hatches, tie down the sails, ride out the storm and believe.

We can be and do absolutely anything we can dream if we have faith and are willing to do the work. There is nothing that can stop us from creating a life of joy if we take the wheel of our ship and steer it towards a bright horizon. There is no hurdle, no wall, no obstacle we cannot overcome. It is entirely up to us. We are in control. We can’t hand it over to someone else or something else, but when we take the wheel we are in essence channeling the force we call God. I believe God is a verb, the act of unconditional love. We must love ourselves and others unconditionally if we want to live fully. It has to start with self love, because if we judge ourselves harshly or lack self belief, how can we ever love anyone else fully? The key is to follow the basic tenets of unconditional love. Compassion...patience...yes I said patience...and faith. Faith is the x-factor because it’s entirely intangible. If you can believe in yourself as a perfect creation with a mission to become the fullest expression of who you are in order to fulfill the journey you selected before you joined this crazy experiment; then you can manifest anything.

Your job is to become you. Your life is a process of becoming. When you begin the process, you inspire others to do the same. You inspire the people whom you love and the people you may never know. Your fearlessness allows others to shed fear and embrace love. Don’t listen to that voice that says, "Can’t, no, stop"...the voice that makes you feel small and insignificant, because you are anything but. You have the power to change the world, starting with you. Even in the darkness, even in the depths of the most painful moments of your life, you can choose joy. And when you choose joy, abundance comes along for the ride. There will be stormy seas and there will be sunny skies. There will be joy and there will be sorrow. In the Tao it is all the same.

When we take control, when we seize the joy we so richly deserve, our capacity for love expands exponentially.

Carpe Gaudium!

Avast and ahoy, me hearties!

This is my ‘free project’ for today, tune in tomorrow for a ‘free project’ from my new book Beyond the Bead. Consider today “Life Crafting 101 with Madge.”

Dread Pirate Maggie

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