Monday, March 9, 2009

The Not Very Miraculous Miracle Suit and the AC Moore Event

With The Fantabulous Robin Beam at AC Moore

Hi Gang!

Two more days until we leave for Jamaica and I am SO looking forward to it. I really need a tropical getaway to refresh and refocus. We're all counting the minutes here at the Potter Homestead. Got our house and animal sitter lined up, clothes picked out to pack, gallons of 50 plus sunscreen for our fair skin and hats...ya gotta have hats! After the AC Moore event on Saturday we zipped over to Macy's to pick up a bathing suit for moi. I had ordered a few from Newport News last week and paid for expedited shipping, only to discover that they'd neglected to let me know two of the suits were on back order. Hullo. So I cancelled them and did some online research. Macy's seemed to have a decent selection.

Avalon is my style advisor so she bravely joined me in the dressing room for a parade of ill fitting and highly unflattering swimsuits. I hope that one day she recovers from the experience. Good LORD what is it with the people who make bathing suits?! I think they're sadists. If you can't rock a bikini, you don't have a lot of options. I like a swimdress, but give me a little cleavage action and make the skirt long enough to cover my arse! If it was worth revealing, I'd rock a bikini! Let me accentuate the positive! Show me some retro fabulosity that has colorful and lively fabrications and all of those little details that divert the eye from things we don't wish to hilight! I've decided that I need to design a line of bathing suits and resort wear for real women, meaning the majority of us who aren't built like 14 year old boys with huge boobs. Just because we aren't a size 2 doesn't mean we want to look frumpy. Seriously, I think that's a gold mine!

But I digress...

I tried on a 'Miracle Suit.' The only miracle is that I managed to get it on and get it back off again without a large shoehorn or a team of mules. It got stuck half way over my tushie and I was seriously worried we might have to have it surgically removed. We were laughing so hard we both collapsed on the dressing room floor while I flailed about like a beached sea elephant! I finally managed to get it on and looked like a very lumpy sausage stuffed into a tiny casing! Thankfully the retro 40s style shirred 'vamp maillot' Jantzen suit fit like a glove and shoved the lumps into a delightful hourglass shape. Huzzah! I plan to bedazzle it, because it was only available in black and it needs a little pizazz. This is why I love being crafty, I can trick out any fashion item in a flash. Break out the hot fix crystals and the sew on stones and call me Esther Williams!

I had a great time with the AC Moore folks and everyone who made the earrings seemed really pleased. They were easy to make and they looked quite fetching, so it was a win-win. Most folks aren't going to sit down for too long, so I made it a short attention span concept. My bestest buddy Ms. Robin Beam came to support me, which was super sweet of her. I just adore Ms. Robin!

I'm finishing up some samples for a new book query and fine tuning the concept so I can hopefully get it off in the mail before we go along with a couple of magazine projects that are due. Then we're off to Jamaica to unwind for a few days. No worries, mon.


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