Thursday, May 21, 2009

American Idol...yeah I got sucked in.

I admit it.

Even though I mostly don't watch TV I got totally sucked into the American Idol season this round. Why? Because I heart Adam Lambert. Plus my kid is performing now and it gave us something over which to bond...we both heart Adam.

The following post has absolutely nothing to do with crafts, but check out the crafty goodness in Adam's outfits in these pics! He obviously knows his way around a glue glun and the glitter aisle!

I'm an actor, a theatre geek and a former front person for several bands. I have always been a believer in putting on a great show. If you're just going to stand there in an old t-shirt and wrinkled jeans, meh. Being a crafty gal, I was always making funky outfits to wear onstage. It's SHOW BUSINESS...give a little razzle-dazzle AND back it up with some kick ass vocals and I'm all over it! Spruce it up a little, look like you actually made an effort!

Kris is a talented, handsome and utterly endearing young man. He wasn't the best vocalist or performer in the competition, but I do give him props for playing instruments, arranging music and staying true to himself. I understand why he won because he's quintessential teen idol material and Adam is unapologetically androgynous which makes him rock star material. It's like Pat Boone versus Elvis...or Donny Osmond versus David Bowie...apples to oranges and both have their merits.

For all of the blather about Adam being too over the top...he was the most polite contestant I've ever seen on the show. People are saying Kris was unassuming, but Adam was too. Everytime he performed he took time to thank the band and he was absolutely gracious in defeat last night. His confidence never reeked of smugness or self satisfaction, he was always incredibly polite when taking feedback. They both seem like genuinely nice guys and they're polar opposites in terms of their performance styles. Viva la difference!

I'm quite sure they're both going to be just fine.

I have been blathering on and on to my family about how Adam should have done a Queen song on the show and quite frankly I wish he'd have sung alone with Queen instead of Kiss. He's got that Freddie Mercury/Robert Plant rock star swagger. Theatrical?! Uh, yeah. That's the idea. He was a champion last night for sure. If only he'd have sung Killer Queen...I'd have been in glam rock heaven.

Oh and that shoulder dealio he had on last night with Kiss?! What the?! AWESOME! I want to make one!

I know that he's not everyone's cup of tea. Looking at these photos I can see he actually did try to tone it down for AI, but I'm glad he stayed true to his inner glamazon! I hope he has an amazing career and gets to make the kind of music he loves, put on incredible live shows and that he gets to act too. He's the true triple threat.

Actually he's incredibly lucky that he doesn't have to sing that insipidly nauseating mountain/hurricane/higher/deeper cliche ridden song as his first single.

So there's that!

Okay rant concluded.

You are free to disagree with me...but you're wrong.

So there.

Ha ha.


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