Monday, March 28, 2011

Mea Culpa

Image Copyright The Little Prince by Antoine du Saint-Exupery 1943

Well now, really. I truly did not mean to insinuate that people only read my blog for the free stuff. Do forgive. I don't have much free stuff other than projects and advice. I was commenting on the blogosphere in general and I didn't mean to insult you, dear reader. If I post a free project, it is free without strings, though it is under copyright and you therefore can't make it and sell it, but you can (and I encourage you to) make it for yourself or your friends or family! That's the point of posting projects, to inspire you to be creative!

Sometimes I can become a little world weary and sometimes I feel a little isolated and alone here in the middle of nowhere far from family and friends.

I blog, mostly, because like everyone on the planet I want to feel connected. I long to reaffirm and to confirm that I am not alone. I long to know that I am not the only square peg, I am not the only stranger in a strange land. To be certain that I am not thinking and creating and feeling all of the things I think, create and feel here in my little studio in vain.

So I do know why I blog.

I just, as an admittedly vain Leo, wonder sometimes if there isn't a healthy dose of ego involved in assuming that anyone cares what I think, create or feel.

I don't even have to wonder that, it's true. Ah, but that healthy dose of ego is what fuels my moxie and my chutzpah and most of all my unmitigated gall.

We all have an ego. We all love a little applause now and again. It is the human condition to want to reach out and touch someone literally or figuratively across these electronic ethers.

I am blessed to have made so many amazing friends simply because I took the chance, I risked the possible humiliation...I turned this thing on and I trusted that somewhere out there someone would read my little messages in a bottle and it might just make them feel a little less alone. And you know what? They did.

And you know what else? It made us all feel a little less alone.

"I just want to be loved, is that so wrong?" Harvey Fierstien

And on that note... I must check on the lasagna I whipped up for dinner (mostly from packages and cans so try not to be too impressed) and start loading up the Uhaul to begin the epic journey (okay it's really around the corner and up a steep mountain but I'm taking artistic license...)

But I begin the epic journey of our move to our little cabin in the mountains.

Thank you for helping me to feel just a little less alone. I can't even begin to tell you how much it means to me.

"What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well." Le Petit Prince Antoine de Saint-Exupery

"Words are the source of all misunderstanding." Le Petit Prince


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