Tuesday, January 11, 2011

How Did Your Day Go Today???

I was awoke by a MIGRAINE
this morning. You know one of
those from * * * *... It came on
at 3am. I could hardly function.

I put on my bunny slippers,
padded down the hall.
Tried a nice cup of tea.
Ended up taking my migraine
meds. I hated to, but a gal has
to do what a gal has to do.

I knew I wasn't going to make it to work
today. No way, no how. Called into work.

Shuffled back down the hall.

Crawled back into bed.
Making sure all the curtains
were pulled tight, and there
were no lights on at all. I slept
until almost 10:30am. Remember
my workday starts at 5:30am for me.
So for me to go back to bed and sleep.
It was bad.

I tried watching a little activity
about the house this afternoon.
Wore my sunglasses, made my head
feel so much better. No strain on the eyes.

Did I think about work. No way!!!
If I had tried to go in, I would have
ended up looking something like this,
I am sure. Twisted and tied up from pain.
I made a little supper this evening
for the family. I cooked it, and the
others cleaned it all up. Thank goodness
for small favors hu?

Oh my gosh, then it
dawned on me. Tomorrow is
already Wednesday. Geez, where
has the week gone already?

Yes, Have a beautiful Wednesday
tomorrow. We are half way there
Next week I have training
all week,
so I
am glad if I had to get
a migraine it was this week at least.

You all know about that mandatory
training. We have all been there at one

time or other.
More computer training.

You would think after living
it all day,

that coming home to it would be the last
thing I would want to do,
but I love
blogging with you
You are my warm
hugs at the end of the day,
my smiles
that get me
through each and every day.

Right back at you friends. Hugs, Hugs,
and Yes Even More Hugs.

As always,
thank you for stopping by,
my little piece of heaven,
here in the desert,
that I so love to call home.
Country hugs and much love,

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