Monday, January 3, 2011

Thank Heavens This Monday Is Over...

I woke up this Morning.

Happy as a Mouse could be,

For a Monday.

Even jumped on the bed a little.

Got my Hair Washed.

Ooh that always feels so good.

Brushed My Teeth.

Love that Fresh Breath Feeling.

Got to Work.

Was Trying to Get a Few Projects

Done, and Suddenly...


My computer CRASHED.
Oh NO. I HATE Mondays.

To top it off,
there was NO heat in the building.

It was 59 degrees at my desk.
I wonder if that 
is what happened
to my computer. Maybe it

froze like a popsicle.

Talk about a cloud over my head.

Why oh why, when I always

Have SO much work to get done.

Seeing as how it was SO cold.

Several of us were drinking HOT tea,

just to warm up our hands.

Watched a few co-workers PIG out

on snacks. There is always one in the

bunch, that gets caught with their hand

in the cookie jar. (Jelly bean jar in this case.)

Made a few notes on things

that I need to do tomorrow.

If they get my computer fixed.

Dreamt about FUN days that I have

had this past year with my friends.

Can't wait to get going this year.
Dragonflies? Oh my...

But most of ALL...

I thought about tomorrow.

The SUN will come out tomorrow.

I want to feel the warmth of the SUN 

on my bones.  I want my computer back.

Please keep the heat working tonight. It took

until almost 10am to get it going today and I 

go in at 5:30am. My NOSE was as cold as a

popsicle for sure.

As always,

thank you for stopping by,

my little piece of heaven,

here in the desert,

that I so love to call home.

(I love sharing with you all.)

Many hugs and much love,

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