Monday, November 1, 2010

A Memory In Time For Fall...

Oh Dear...

Thank you for that memory.

Yes Fall is in the air.

I can feel it in my bones too.

Soon we won't be able

to take our walks in the park.

I love our memory tree most of all.

We've sat on this bench;

And watched the seasons

pass by. We have shared

our children with her.

We have shared our

grandchildren with her.

Remember that anniversary,

yes that's the one. Oh we

laughed, and we brought

our picnic and sat under

our tree. We had both been

so sick, with the medical bills 

we just couldn't afford

to go out, so we came to the

park for a picnic under our tree.

Just look at her.

Isn't she a beauty? All in her

splendor and glory. She is

shining, like that star that we

know that she is. She is preparing

for her Winter's nap. Giving us one

big "Gorgeous Good-night Kiss".

It is so hard to believe she was but

a baby when we started coming here.

We've watched her grow with our age.

Such character she has, so many

secrets she holds close. Oh Dear,

where has the time gone?

Oh look, she is crying.

She knows it's almost bedtime.

She is giving us one last good-night.

Tomorrow we know that the wind will

have picked up each memory and carried 

them away to a safe place. 

And so,

We head for home. The air is a

little brisk. We need to warm these

old bones a bit and have a spot

of tea. Raspberry, my favorite

today. No, yours was yesterday.

Come on dear, it's tea. You can continue

our story today. I love to hear you read

to me. You have always been such a great

story teller. Come sit, it's time for a 

new memory. What? Oh yes dear,

"I love you too."

I hope you enjoyed my write today.

As always, thank you for stopping by,

my little piece of heaven,

here in the desert,
that I so love to call home.

Country hugs and so much love,

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