Sunday, November 7, 2010


Dear Friends,
  Good Evening!
Weather is cool and the dark clouds assure rains.It's lovely and fresh air blows away the blues.
The festival of hoy and happiness-Deepavali-is celebrated in a big way.Diyas are lighted and Akash Kandlis-colourful decorated lamps are hanging in front of the houses in rememberance of departed souls of forefathers.
In my previous posts I have expressed my liking for tongue twisters.Right from childhood tongue twisters make me laugh.I try to learn them fast and retell without a mistake.I used to practise the tongue twisters and when I could say them perfectly,I used to challenge my cousins and friends.:)It was fun and a good time pass.
The world celebrates International Tongue Twisters Day,today.
To get thebest effect of saying a tongue twister,it should be reapeated several times quickly and fluently without mispronouncing.Atongue-twister is a phrase that is designed to be difficult to articulate properly.
The popular tongue -twister,''She sells sea shells on the sea shore''helps to differentiate between 'S' and 'Sh'.The same way,;
Betty bought a bit of butter
but the butter was bitter;
SoBetty bought better butter
To make the bitter butter better.
shows the difference between the sounds 'Be' and 'Bu'.
  Previously alphabets were taught directly without giving importance to phonetics but now schools implement the phonetic alphabets like Avocado,Banana and Cherry.
 Tongue-twisters are helpful in pronounciation and articlation.For jobs in call centres,employees are trained with tongue twisters.
Some tongue-twisters are short words or phrases,which become tongue-twisters when repeated rapidly.There are tongue-twisters in every language.
The following twister won the grand prize in a contest in Games Magazine in 1979.
Shep Schwab shopped at Scott's Schnapp's shop;
One shot of Scott's Schnapps stopped Schwab's watch.
Tongue twisters  can be in the form of a phrase,sentence or even rhyming poems which are hard to say fast,usually because of alliteration or a sequence of nearly similar sounds.It helps develop speech skills and helps in speech therapy.They have two or three sequences of sounds where some sounds are exchanged to make it confusing.
Any takers for a tricky tongue-twister?

There was a fisherman named Fisher
who fished for some fish in a fissure.
Till a fish a grin,pulled the fisherman in,
Now they're fishing the fissure for Fisher.
 To celebrate the day,let us practise some tongue twisters.Here's one in Hindi.
Madan,Mohan,Malveya Madras mein machali maarte maarte mare!
It's Anu signing off......
Taking time to instil love and interest for the language is a must,
At the very early years of a child.
Unless we know the tricks and tips,
Children will be spending most of their leisure,
Playing video games and watching cartoons,
Please don't allow that,take time to care.
And tonight before hitting the bed,
Please teach them a simple tongue twister
And then make it a daily habit.
Reminding Anu loves you dil se,
Wishing you  a lovely week ahead,


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