Saturday, June 27, 2009

Sunday Is A Day For Rest - So I Finished Today

Today I spent the day in the yard again finishing the cleaning of the birdbaths and moving one from the front to the backyard area. I have had so many birds in need of water and food. Even the poor little doves are looking sickly. Our fine feathered friends need a little assistance too. I never throw out any left over crusts or bread of any kind. It always goes to the birds. In doing the yard cleaning today, I had a special friend visit me. I have had a hummer that has came to visit me every year for the last 4 years. She is a pretty little thing. She greets me when I come home and clicks away at me, when the feeder is empty or not to her liking anymore. She will hover right to the side of my head. Well today I was able to get the camera and below is what I saw. Hope you will love them as much as I do.

She allowed me to stand right under her as she talked in my Bottle Brush tree. Isn't she just simply devine? Below is another picture of her. She turned her head to show off her beautiful necklace of red. Isn't it to die for?

When she wanted me to see another view of her necklace she just oh so gracefully turned to the left. As if to say : "You ain't see nothing yet".

We conversed for awhile, and ofcourse she is quite blunt, when she is done, she is done, and then she is gone. Just as quickly as she arrives. I was so pleased to spend a little time with her today. She has been flitting around, but hadn't been as talkative of late. I think it is the heat. It is hard on all of us.

This little friend in my front garden has laughed his way into my heart and I am sure he will yours too. He graces the shallow birdbath out front that the hummers bathe in. He is so whimsical that I just had to share with you all.

In closing tonight, I caught the sun peeking out one last time before his job was done for the day. Still no rain in site for us here in the valley. Another hot, humid day. I quit checking the temps. I don't even need to know. I can watch the birds. When they are begging for fresh water, you know it is above 100 degrees. Even the pool water was like a spa. You have to turn the aerators on to give the water a cooler temperature. Good Night Sweet Bloggers. Thank you again for stopping by and visiting my little piece of heaven in the desert. I love it when you stop by. Please add your name to my Followers and I will do the same when I come to visit.
"Country Hugs", Sherry

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