Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Charting the Course

Image Copyright Enoch Bolles

Today might be...just might be...a pivotal moment in my professional future.

More precisely, something that is happening today might be a pivotal moment in my professional future. Or not. I have no idea. It might not happen. I might not make the docket. I simply don't know. Truth be told, there's a lot riding on this moment, but I'm trying my best to keep it in perspective.

The fact is...every moment of our lives is pivotal. We have the power at every moment to shift things, beginning with our attitude and our perspective. Life isn't what happens to you, it's how you react to what happens and how much ownership you take for your reactions.

I think for the most part, we are in charge. Taking ownership of our lives means accepting responsibility for not just our reactions to things that happen to us, but how our choices create the opportunities for those things to happen. Think about that because it's important. Our lives are driven by a series of choices we make that create opportunities for things to happen to us. So what can you do, at this moment, to make it pivotal? How can you shift things? What small adjustments can you make to your current course that will result in your arriving at a pleasing destination?

My daughter said something so incredibly smart to my husband at dinner yesterday. She said, "If it's about the journey then why are you always in such a hurry?"


When we rush through our lives without paying attention to the scenery, we miss out on so many potential pivotal moments. Life isn't a series of big events, it's a series of small moments and we are the connective thread. Those small moments may seem at the time and space in which they occur to be insignificant, but they are far more powerful than we imagine. Think about what happens when a ship's captain adjusts his wheel...think about what happens when a pilot changes course? Even the smallest adjustment has major impact.

Today there will be a series of pivotal moments in my professional and personal future. One of them is out of my control now. I have done all that I can over the past 45 years to prepare and now it is up to other people to decide if I am ready.

The remaining pivotal moments...are entirely in my hands.

I intend to examine, explore and experience them to their fullest potential.

How about you?


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