Monday, June 7, 2010

Madge's New and Improved Website!

Photo Copyright Drew Potter ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

You know, some folks are restless. I happen to be one of them. On one hand, my restlessness and endless fascination with the world around me drives me to explore new territory in my work on a regular basis. On the other hand, it makes it tough to choose one aesthetic and stick with it. Like say...a blog template...or a website. This blog template is temporary until I can get a custom one built. Soon...hopefully, but I did spend the better part of the weekend revamping my website. I changed platforms and the new platform is so intuitive and easy to use that I was thrilled! I'm so happy with the new site. I love having flash animation again, bright vibrant colors AND a template that doesn't require people to scroll to read.


Please go check it out and let me know what you think. I still have to add the links...and a 'news' page when I get some time. I'm loving that the site is clean and easy to navigate and that it's not information overload. Let me know if it takes too long to load, if you find it hard to read or if you think it's tough to navigate. Your input means a lot to me!

Wow! I just realized that our YuDu video has had almost 40,000 hits! Holy guacamole, Batman! Amazing!


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