Monday, June 21, 2010

Red Headed Step Child

Image from Mermaids Dover Books

I may have red hair (sometimes) and I may love fairy tales, but I don't love feeling like the red headed step child. And who does, really?

One of the toughest things in life is being unappreciated, especially when you work really hard and do quality work. The thing is, it happens. It happens a lot. Creativity is one of those things that isn't understood by folks who are not creative. It's subjective. Often you'll sit and scratch your head as people who really don't seem to deserve it, get showered with attention and your great ideas are patently ignored.

People are often easily impressed by fancy tricks, because let's face it, fancy tricks are impressive. At least until you figure out how they're done.

I'm not here to show folks how to do parlor tricks, I'm here to share the power of creativity with the people who feel they can't be creative because 'they aren't artists' and 'they don't have time'. I'd rather see those people make something their own, than see them copy something I've made. Anyone can make a hook rug, but how many people can design their own hook rug?

That's interesting to me.

When what you do isn't a fancy trick, because it's more subtle and understated, it's inevitable that not everyone is going to get what you're throwing down. The key is to surround yourself with people who do get it and to get away from people who do not. Being around people who treat you with indifference is soul sucking. Surround yourself with people who celebrate you and then celebrate them back. You deserve it. I deserve it. They deserve it. We all deserve to be cherished.

Anything less than that is unacceptable.

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Eleanor Roosevelt


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