Sunday, October 10, 2010

Tastylinks Sunday, Square Pegs and Pumpkin Day

We hosted the annual family Pumpkin Day celebration yesterday. There's been a medical emergency in Drew's extended family and the big event was canceled, but with our move and the kids being disappointed we thought we'd just have the immediate family over for a day of carving, snacking and enjoying tasty beverages. Our Amish neighbors have a wall filled with pumpkins and gourds, so we went shopping there. Avalon had a few friends out and they created an entire wonderland of carved pumpkins and gourds, I didn't have time to change my camera settings for night shots, so unfortunately there are no pictures.

Sometimes I think it's just nice to be in the moment and not worry about racing around with the camera. We are so driven by the need to save everything and record everything these days, memories are sometimes best recalled without electronic assistance. The moment is what's real, the pictures are just pale shadows of our experience.

We've been working so hard getting ready for the move, it felt good to unwind. I've got the studio mostly packed except for the supplies that live in the big Ikea armoires and the beads that I need as I work on my projects for the DVDs. There is still so much to do, but more than half of the work is done and that's something upon which to hang my jaunty beret.

I've been busy and of course, that means my blogging hasn't been as regular as it has in the past. My Wikio rankings and my traffic have slipped and it's quite frankly exhausting me trying to keep pumping out free content, pack for the move and work on my new full time job. Blogging is a tricky thing and people like consistency, but at some point you also have to ask yourself what you gain by giving so much away? That's the thing about the internet, people have come to a level of entitlement and expectation of free information, art, ideas and inspiration and giving it all away for free surely doesn't pay the mortgage. So over the next few months, I'm going to work on finding a balance. If that means I'm not one of the popular kids anymore, so be it. I've never much cared about being one of the popular kids. Growing up as the proverbial square peg was actually pretty damn cool.

"Square pegs, square pegs, square, square pegs
Always, never, quite right."

So without further ado, here's what the fab crafty bloggers have for your perusal:

About Family Crafts
What is the most unique Halloween costume you have ever worn or seen someone else wear? Share your ideas and read about others...

Aileen's Musings
Aileen shares this year's Herm and Ethel Freebie Halloween Postcards with you!

Carmi's Art/Life World
Carmi experiments with her own images to make a 3D card embellishment.

Craftside-A behind-the-scenes peek at a crafty world
This week at Craftside there is a chance to win a copy of the new book Creating Glamorous Jewelry with Swarovski Elements, info about getting involved with conservation work with your dog and the upcoming ReuseConex event, and a recipe for cognac Cherries.

Crafty Princess Diaries
Tammy gives you the low-down and her favorite picks from Drew Emborksy's new crochet book.

Eileen - The Artful Crafter
If you’ve been hesitant to try decoupage on wood, check out Eileen’s tips for beginners.

Margot Potter The Impatient Crafter
It's 'fallish' and Madge has created a fabulous fashion friendly fall jewelry set for Jewel School.

Mixed Media Artist
Cyndi finished up her series on altered books with a flourish ;-)

Stefanie Girard's Sweater Surgery
See how to crochet a bead and Soft Flex bracelet inspired by Heidi Boyd's new book Wired Beautiful

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