Keeping with the Halloween theme...what is it that they say about the road to hell?
My intentions were good, but this week ran away from me like a freight train without brakes! I'm heading to Toronto on Friday for a whirlwind 24 hour day at The Shopping Channel. I'll be presenting a fabulous Today's Showstopper for the folks from OttLite on Saturday October 10th. If you're crafty and you don't own an OttLite yet, you really do need one. It's full spectrum high definition lighting, which means you see true colors and fine detail without straining your eyes and it means you can concentrate and focus with ease. It's great for reading, crafting, studying, putting on your make up...whenever you need to see fine details and true colors. Which seems to me is every moment of every day...except when you're sleeping! I love my OttLites, in fact I'm sitting under one of them as I type this!
I managed to get a fun paper crafting project together for iLovetoCreate I'll post this Friday, but that's all she wrote until Monday. I only have two hands and though I keep trying to sprout more it hasn't worked out for me. So...that's the story, mornin' glories! If you want to see me on air, I'll be appearing throughout the day and you can catch me online when I'm live. You can check their website for the schedule, I'll be in the Problem Solvers shows. Here's a link to the schedule.
Until next time...craft on with your bad selves!
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