2nd october,2009
10 a.m
Dear Friends,
Good morning!since two days it's pouring!no sign of sun!even in monsoon we haven't received this heavy rain!through the glass door i can see raindrops falling in the sea.it's a real feast for eyes,to enjoy the pitter patter raindrops!but so sad,the heavy showers have damaged the ready-to -harvest paddy fields in the state.
We are remembering the great soul,Bapuji,today on his birth anniversary with respect n love.Today is the birth anniversary of our Ex-Prime Minister,Shri.Lal Bahadur Shastriji too.i really wish,2nd October should not be just another holiday for us.i was influenced by the great personality right from the childhood.that is because of the good upbringing,the right awareness n the vast reading.here is a simple attempt to remember the Father Of Our Nation.

Today-October 2nd,The International Day Of Non -Violence.
''We must be the change we wish to see'',one of the most popular quotes of Mahatma!
Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi,
Bapuji as he is affectionately called,
Born to Karamcahand Gandhi n Putalibai,
In Porbander,in Gujarat,on 2nd October,1869,
Very shy and was scared by nature;
The values of truthfulness,honesty n integrity,
Were instilled in him, right from his childhood;
Mohandas got married at the age of 13-14;
His wife was Kasturba of the same age;
As like many of us Mohandas too,
Fell into the bad company in young age,
And did the sinful deeds;
But he realised the mistakes n wrote them down;
And handing over the letter to his father,
He sat by the bed side as his father was ill;
Tears rolled down from father's cheeks;
But he did not utter a single word,
The pain was written on his face;
And the silence was the best punishment he received;
It was then that Mohandas resolved;
He would always resolve a truthful life.
And throughout his life,
He stuck to his resolution.
This simple great man leaves me spellbound;
H e was a Barrister by profession,
And spent twenty long years of discomfort n insults in South Africa.
Truth n nonviolence is what he taught us,
The principles for which he fought,
Preaching n practices were the same for him,
This simple great men changed the lives of millions,
Through love,kindhearetd nature,
He looks so simple at the spinning wheel,
An everlasting smile adorned his face,
Non violence is the solution to the strife,
the valuable lessons of cleanliness n patience,
Listen not see not speak not evil,
leads a life of simplicity n high thinking,
Mahatma took the long journey of tough n rough path,
To lift the life of millions n get the free INDIA,

Gandhiji is the source of inspiration n emulation;
For great leaders like Martin Luther King Jr n Nelson Mandela,
He is regarded as the symbol of independent India,
We salute you,Mahatma,for your greatness,
Your very name is synonymous with peace n non violence,
You struggled to bring Indians together;

The unparalleled struggle with wisdom n foresight;
Gandhiji fought against injustice,
And brought unity among people,
He did not miss a single opportunity in serving his country;
And we owe you,Bapuji for your struggle to free India
Here is a rare birth of a real Mahatma,
who dedicated his life to the service of humanity;
Who taught us the important values of,
Brotherhood,peace non-violence,equality n simplicity,
Friends,let us follow the path he has shown us,
This will be the most befitting tribute to him!
''Nobody can hurt me without my permission''.
There is more to life than simply increasing its speed''.
''The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others''.
Let us pledge to serve the society,our state n nation n we can bring out better changes.why dow e succumb to anger and aggressions?
the dedication is -''Raghupathi raghava rajaram......Pateetha pavana seetharam.............''it is dedicated to the hero,teh ever green role model of my life-BAPUJI! I love this song and today many times i will sing the lines..........
it's anu signing off.........the weekend is going to be wet.
today is the grand concluding ceremony of 2009 ONAM functions!pookalam competitions will be begun from 2.30 p.m.The Chief Minster is the chief guest.the celebartion is in sate level of eleven associations.the beautiful trophies have reached from Kochi.Rs.7000worth trophy for the first prize,Rs.5000 worth trophy for second prize.the cultural programme is late in the evening.
it's anu signing off.............
each and every moment all of you are in my thoughts.anu loves you.
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