6 p.m
Dear Friends,
Good evening!these days sun is very bright n feeling real hot!my exam is postponed to November so,relaxed for the time being but work load is more.this week is going to be very tough with evaluation process.still,i can't be away from you,sharing the happenings n updating the events.
Morning i received a mail with a thought on happiness,n i really felt writing a post on the rare feeling!:)

''Being happy doesn't mean everything perfect,it means that you decided to look beyond the imperfections''.
Happiness is a state of mind,
It is the total sum of,
Peace,contentment love n satisfaction.
Happiness is a feeling
Of inner peace n satisfaction.
When we win our love,
When we gain something we value,

When we feel secure in our family,
Under the shelter of care n love,
Of our parents n siblings,
When we get the unexpected mail or call,
From the one who makes a difference in our lives,
When a cool breeze brushes your cheeks,
Reminding his /her's feather touch,
When we see a bud blooming,
Bringing fragrance to the memories,:)

Feeling warmth n love at heart,
Looking at the early morning dew drops,
Losing oneself in the first kiss that we've received,
Enjoying the rain drops falling on the green leaves,
Longing for the tight hugs we need,
Listening to the soft music played in the dim light,
Yearning for the beloved's presence,
We can be happy always,
By gaining inner piece.
Hapiness is the goal of every human being.
Worries will chase away our happiness;
And if we continue to worry,
Happiness escapes,friends.
People shun them,

On whose faces worries are written.
Let us keep ourselves busy,
And forget our worries,
Most of the incidents we fear never happen.
The past is over,we can't do anything,
We must develop a positive n cheerful attitude.
Let us face our worries n be realistic.
We should not blow up our worries,
Out of proportions,but put them in right places.
Expressing worries in writing,
Releases all the tensions.
Then we can think clearly n constructively
We must take life as it comes,
And do the best we can.
Let us look at the bright n good side of things,

The positive side will make us happy;
Think of solutions,not problems,
Watch comedies that make us laugh,
Devote time for good reading,
Appreciate yourself for what you've done.
Each day do something you like,
Do one act that make others happy,
Say a kind word,help others,
Give a small present to someone you love.
Don't envy people who are happy,
Associate with happy people.
And smile,smile from your heart.:)

A few examples of self motivating statements are,
''There is no time like present'',''I will not quit until I'm finished'',''I am just the person to do the job'' and ''That didn't work,but i've another idea''.
''Even if happiness forgets you a little bit,never completely forget about it''.Jacques Prevert
''Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn't know you left open''.John Barrymore
''Happiness is the soundtrack of my life''.Grey Livingston

life is too short,crying or laughing we have to live;so why can't we laugh n be happy?:)
i really wish each n every reader of sincerelyyours must have a smile n be happy when you leave my space.:)
tomorrow is my best friend's birthday!wishing you all the best n a memorable day,seeking GOD'S blessings for your prosperous, happy n long life,be happy..............
its' anu signing off........
anu loves all of you!
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