10 p.m
Dear Friends,
Good evening!just standing in the balcony watching the calm sea,enjoying the amazing sight of the illuminated ships,the reflections of lights in the water,the loud music going on the street,the bursting of crackers make me feel nice to write a new post.:)in my ancestoral house,we had beautiful huge size mirrors!as children we spent most of the time infront of mirrors,enjoying our own reflections,telling ourselves we are really beautiful.
just the word mirror,reminds us the witch who looked into the mirror and asked the well known verse,''Mirror,mirror on the wall.......''
here,on the top i have given the photo of the famous AARANMULA VALKANNADI.my friends,this is a world famous mirror n try to own one when you visit Kerala.
Everyone of us have to tell,
A story about our lives.
Look into the mirror,
And see our reflections.
Mirror on the wall,
Tells us stories of faces,
That have gazed on them;
Some happy n some others blue.
We want the mirror to reflect the best images,
But how can it do the magic,
If we are gloomy n depressed?
Friends,there are no magic mantras,
That will impart joy n happiness,
For that, develop positive attitude.
Mirrors are really fascinating,
They hold on an element of magic.
the fairy-tale does not exist now,
Still we want the mirror ,
To tell us we are the best.

It shows us our clear image,
It makes letters look so funny,
It bounces sunlight into,
A bright spot on the wall.
Remember,mirrors never lie,
They can show only the truth,
It is a common superstition,
That someone who breaks a mirror,
will receive seven years of bad luck.
Mirror is considered to be very auspicious,
A symbol of prosperity n good luck.
Mirror reflects our souls,
So breaking the mirror will break souls.
Cheer up n smile to the fullest,
How beautiful we look in the mirror!
Start the day on a positive note!
Realise our true potential,
Be at your best being kind to others,
Let's be blind to other's faults,
Start praising a little more!
There is a saying in Malayalam,
If you have a good friend,
You don't need a mirror!
He/she will correct you when you are wrong,
Guiding you to walk through the right path.
Now cheer up n give me a cute smile,
Whistle a new tune n look at teh mirror.
Hey,we look so wonderful,friends,
With a twinkle in our eyes.:)
Friends,according to an old Chinese proverb,
''You cannot prevent birds of sorrow from flying over your head,but you can prevent them from building nests in your hair''.
Be the mirror to others.remember life never has a smooth path

it's time to sign off.tomorrow is a working day.wishing all of you a wonderful weekend,reminding you,anu loves all of you,wishing a peaceful dreamy night,
it's anu signing off......
Hello,.............................,will you be my mirror?i want the reflections of love,trust,understanding,inspiration n friendship.:)and you know i accept only,''YES''.
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