Monday, December 21, 2009


Copyright 2006 Margot Potter

Copyright 2008 Margot Potter

Copyright 2007 Margot Potter (these are my grandparents)

Copyright 2008 Margot Potter

Copyright 2007 Margot Potter

Copyright 2009 Margot Potter

Folks sometimes ask me how this career started and I can honestly say it wasn't exactly the road I planned to take, but life has a funny way of surprising us.

Seven years ago, I was looking for something to give friends and family for Christmas. Money was tight and we were under
a lot of stress. I had plenty of hard wire and a nice selection of vintage Swarovski crystal beads I'd stopped selling at our gallery and taken home. I started playing with the wire and came up with a dragonfly ornament like the one above. I gave these as gifts that year. Flash forward and a smaller version of this dragonfly became a focal element in a wire and crystal necklace I created for Beadalon. The positive reception of that design led me to finally realize that all of my talents could be combined to make the career I have now, though it took me a while (and weathering some rather stormy seas) to put it all together. So it was in the midst of chaos that I found my direction. I have a lot of respect for chaos. I was forty when I sold my first book and I'm 46 now. So don't ever, ever tell yourself it's too late to find your bliss. As long as you are breathing and as long as you are open, there is an endless sea of opportunity. Sometimes it requires a willingness to turn your wheel in a new direction and trust.

It's no coincidence that dragonflies represent metamorphosis. I like to think that little dragonfly was a messenger.

So in honor of that first humble ornament that led me here, I'm offering up some of my favorite ornaments I've designed throughout the past six years. I'll be back tomorrow with a final Holiday themed project for iLoveToCreate teen. Until then...craft on with your bad selves!


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