Friday, March 5, 2010

Hanging Tough

Dover Books Mermaids

It's been a long week.  There are things that happen in my real life I can't share here.  That's the funny thing about having an online presence, navigating the complexities of just how much to share and how much to keep private.  I keep most of my real life...real.  I don't owe that to anyone, it's mine.  The internet is where I'm promoting my craft career and sharing creative inspiration with others.  The internet is where I am happy, sunny, crafty Madge.  I had a confessional style blog for several years, and it was a very cathartic and powerful experience, but it also came back to bite me on the ass a few times and I decided it was better to take the posts down.  I have a penchant for salty language and bawdy stories...

I try to stay on the sunny side.  I spent a lot of years walking under a large rain cloud, but it got exhausting being so obtuse and serious all of the time.  Life is so short and so tenuous and I've experienced enough sorrow to know that I have to grab the joy whenever and wherever I can. I've been trying to keep my chin up this week, but it's been slipping a little. There are things going on in my real life that are really tough. Real life is like that sometimes.

I am blessed in many, many ways.  I'm trying to stay focused on that and not let the tough stuff that I can not change beat me up too much.  I think that's all any of us can do, really.  In fact, I may be on the way to getting some real answers and that's the star upon which I'm going to hang my jaunty beret.  None of us know how long we have, what is coming next, where life may lead...all we have is the moment and the more we can be in that fully, the better life becomes.  Even the toughest moments have something for us.

The joy and the sorrow, the pleasure and the pain, the laughter and the the Tao they are all the same.


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