Monday, March 15, 2010

Tax Time with Madge

I set an appointment with my accountant and am knee deep in the joy that is tax prep.  Working for yourself is great, except paying taxes gets far more complex when you have to DIY.  It's so much easier to have them taken out of your paycheck than it is when you are juggling royalties and freelance fees and paychecks.  I have three different tax rates.  I'm special like that. 

I'm afraid I've not got any witty repartee or deep observations to share today.  I'm sure you understand.

"Dear Self:

If your paycheck job dries up, please try to put money away every month from your freelance work for taxes.  Even if it's hard to tell if your paycheck job is drying up and even though you don't really have any extra money every month.  So basically, fine tune your psychic skills and find a way to put money away just in case.

Love, Self."

Being a grown-up is hard.


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