AZ Blogger's Luncheon
Is Once Again Upon Us
To Be Held At: Front Porch Tea Cafe
1837 W. Guadalupe Rd.
Suite 107
Mesa, AZ
Saturday, March 27, 2010
1:30 pm
Jamie Gibbs
Sherry Smith
We would so love to have you join us for tea and lunch. We have made reservations for the tea, but need to send a definite menu ahead of time. I have included the website. Please go and visit, check out the menu, and email either Jamie or myself, what you will be ordering from the menu. We have to give them a call no later than March 23rd with our order. We will also need a definite head count, so please let us know as soon as possible.
Don't forget your cameras. You never know what you might catch on film for your blog post. We always have the best of times. You meet the nicest ladies, and oh do we chatter when you get everyone together in one room.
As always thank you for stopping by my little piece of heaven, here in the desert that I so love to call home. Country hugs and love...
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