Monday, February 22, 2010

Doctors & journalists - like heaven & hell

We all admire medical doctors.
They don't have to do anything to gain our admiration.
In fact we love them more if they poke our backside with a sharp needle, pull our teeth, cut out our stomachs and later give us pricey medical bills that can induce heart attacks.
We still love them to death.

Journalists have to be pro- this or that, leaning this way or that - in other words, fulfill people's perceptions of what it is to be "fair and balanced". Doctors do not have to do anything like that.

Celebs, too, are respected by many.
But they are disliked by the religious right from whatever religion for promoting nihilism and Me-Beautiful-so-Me-First way of life.
Doctors are respected by the right, the left, the Godful and the Godless.
They just have to announce "I am a doctor" and everybody will go, Wah. Fuyoh.

This is a key part of the modern Hippocratic Oath in my simple mind, as I listened to it being read out loud today:
"First, do no harm".
Compare this with the image that mainstream mediamen like me suffer from. People would say that our Hypocritical Oath would be: "First, do the MOST harm to the OTHER side".

A religious idiot even told me once, after learning that I am a journalist: "Be careful, there are no journalists in paradise."
Kesian. Aku, rockybru dan brendan semua satu geng.

Anyway, today is the first day for some 200 students at a university in Malaysia of fulfilling that hope.
They looked kinda nice in their white lab coats, maybe because they haven't even dissected their first mice.
Go for it, kiddo.

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