Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Trial has started, so let's see the evidence

Despite more wayang, the trial proper has started.
Let's hope it continues in peace.
If truth is what you wanted all along, then you must be prepared to wait.

The problem is of course, what happens inside the court could well be overshadowed by what happens outside.

To those pro-Anwar types, kasilah budak tu chance nak bentang hujah dia. Kalau dia penipu besar, tak akan ke mana kes ini.
To the pro-government ones, let the case run its course also.

Of course, everyone is saying that Umno, BN, PM Najib, the government, the judiciary, police, the AG's office, and Malaysia itself is on trial.
But they forgot to add that Anwar and the opposition will also be on trial.
How everyone behaves will be scrutinised, just in time for voters to decide whether the 'bullshit' you present (by whichever side) is acceptable.

And it is good to know that one blog at least will try to bring us the verbatim of what happens as per the court record - let's hope the authorities or whomsoever won't stop this.

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