Monday, February 15, 2010

Just Popping By to Say...

Valentine's Day is gone, and so, I have moved on to green. You'll be seeing a lot of pics for St. Patty's Day as it is one of my favorites. Heck, all the holidays are my favorites. I just love a reason to post and write.

I love this picture. Fairies are so magical, and truly do exist in some of our lives. They can take you to many places you have never gone, and point out things in your garden you did not even know existed. They help talk to your flowers to make them grow. Yes, this one, she is a beauty, and the next time you are planting or working in your garden, take a little peep, talk a little sweet, and you might just meet, a fairy hiding very deep.

Hope you are all having a wonderful Monday. I got the day off for President's Day. Any day off with pay is a great day for me. I am off to the gardens for the morning. The sun awaits me.

As always, thank you for stopping by my little piece of heaven here in the desert, that I so love to call home. Country hugs and love,

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