Sunday, August 2, 2009

9:30 am Phoenix Time - Update on Amy

Good Morning My Special Friends:
This is the latest on our precious Amy Dawn

Amy has survived the night. Debbie really did not expect her to.
Our prayers were answered once again. The doctors are not releasing
Amy. They are keeping her and will release her only in time for them
to make the drive to Oklahoma City tomorrow to see the surgeon,Dr. Medina. They got a wonderful nurse when they arrived at the hospital, and he was able to get an IV started the very first time. Praise God. They are still pushing IV's wide open. Debbie said she had only seen hospitals due this in extreme cases, so we know we were close. She knows if they had not gone to the hospital, Amy would be gone this morning. She was in serious trouble last night. Debbie and Richard have begged her to eat, and she basically pushes the food around on her plate, or tells them she will eat later, she isn't hungry right now. Debbie and I talked about it
and we believe she is now like an anorexic person in that she is afraid
to eat. Her throat and neck have hurt for so long, she is afraid to try
to swallow anything. This morning the dr. was watching her little feet as they are ice cold and blue in color. Her little heart is not strong enough to pump the blood to her lower extremities. I don't know how long a person can go like this. My concern is that Dr.
Medina will see her tomorrow and tell us the surgery is not possible because her heart is entirely to weak to withstand a surgery like this. Dr. Medina has not seen Amy for 3 weeks so he will be shocked at what he sees when he walks in there tomorrow. Please continue to pray for Amy, but please pray for Debbie as well. She is hanging on herself by a thread. She isn't sleeping, she is afraid to close her eyes. I know she isn't eating right either. She is an insulin diabetic, and a brittle one at that. That means she is not controlled, her blood sugars jumps around. She needs rest so desperately. I do not know how long Debbie can continue like this. Please pray for her. I am praying that with Amy in the hospital and someone else to watch her, Debbie will sleep periodically in the room while Amy does. Richard took Debbie home this morning so that she could take her insulin and freshen up with a shower. Then they were heading back to the hospital. When she calls later this afternoon I will post again. I thank you, each of you beautiful ladies, for all of the prayers, the thoughts and your friendship to both Debbie and myself. We are all so connected to each others needs, and you all have come through every time for us. Thank you! Thank you! Amy has become such a part of this blogger family, and she doesn't even blog. I pray that someday she will be able to sit down and write herself to each of you through a blog of her own. Well, I got up to take my insulin shots and eat a little something, and then I am going to lay down and rest myself. I am so exhausted this morning, and I have a really big day ahead of me tomorrow at work. It is going to be hectic. I will post as soon as Debbie calls again. I love you all so very much, Sherry

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