Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Amy Is Improving Tonight

(Psalm 27:8) My heart tells me to pray.

Tonight we have reason for celebration. This is an update on Amy. They were able to take her off of the respirator this afternoon. She is breathing through her trach without the respirator. Yippeeeee! We are so thrilled. Right now her oxygen level is sitting at 100%. If it falls 90% or less, then they will have to put her back on the respirator. We also have reason to celebrate the fact that they came in this afternoon and they also hooked up the feeding tube. She is being fed through her peg tube, and it is working. It is some high calorie food. We are so blessed for this. She is finally going to get some nutrition that her little body so desperately needs.

We were originally told however that in 5 days they would show Amy how she could cap off the trach. and she would be able to talk. We found out through the speech therapist today, that this will probably not happen. With Amy's tumor size and location, the right side of her neck is very hard from the cancer and the tumor is very large. Thus not allowing her this option with her trach. They will explain as we go along, but they said she would be given something that she would put in her mouth and talk that way. We'll update on this as we know what this is, and learn more. Miracles do happen, we have already seen it with our Amy Girl.

Debbie too, is better today. She said things didn't look as scary to her today. She actually took a good look at the trach, and Amy's peg tube. Debbie will have a lot of learning to take in, as she will be the care giver when they go home. Amy is going to have a lot of "bling" to take care of.

Debbie and Richard got some much needed sleep last night and things looked a lot clearer today. With Amy being in Trauma ICU family can only visit from 7:30am until 10:00pm. This is good, as it is forcing them to rest, as they can't get in to visit.

Okay my prayer warriors, as always thank you for your prayers, your kind thoughts for my family, and for being here to support me. I couldn't do this without you. You are each so important and have played such a big part. Each one of us together have made an army. I you all, Sherry

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