Monday, August 31, 2009

Look What Came to Me From Oklahoma

Gifts from "Home" for Sherry
I wanted to do a quick post tonight and
show you what came home with Heidi
and my DH from Oklahoma on Sunday.
I was so excited. Several gifts actually!

First I wanted to show you this lamp.
My Brother Teddy, made all of us ladies
in his life,
lamps at Christmas. As I
wasn't there, mine was being held.
As you can see it is way to delicate to
be mailed. He knew I love blue, and that
I am doing my bedroom in blue,
so he made mine blue. Oh Teddy, I just
Love, love, love it. Thank you honey!

Here is a close up of the bottle.
He put shades of blue glass beads in the bottle
to give it the blue color that I so wanted.
He painstakenly drills a hole into the bottle to
push the lighting cord through. There is a lot of
time involved in this very tidious process.
I am so thrilled Teddy.

This is a close up of the trim on the lampshade.
It is so beautiful. A delicate crocheted trim,
that is shades of blues. So beautiful,
and he glued it around the top and bottom
of the lampshade, and then the very top of the
bottle where he siliconed the
lamp fixture into the bottle.

Ladies isn't this the most beautiful craft you have ever seen? He also made one for Moma, Debbie and Amy. All different colors, and all different looks. He goes to the thrift stores looking for all liquor bottles, antique trims, and beads and then slowly pieces the lamps together. I think he should sell them. He does a phenominal job. I am clapping for you Teddy. Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!

Here's my next big surprise. Last year Moma bought all of us kids one of these Teddy Bears for Christmas, and unfortunately I flew home last year for vacation, so was unable to transport this home with me. When Heidi and DH went home last week, Moma saw her chance to ship this home
for free. I just love, love, love him. Daddy's name is Ted (as in Ted E Bear) thus the bear, and he fishes, so Moma knew this was the perfect gift for Debbie, Teddie & me. Isn't he just the cutest thing you've ever seen?

See the little pumpkin in the photo? It is real, and it came straight from Daddy's garden. Moma wanted him to send me one, before someone came through and smashed them all to bits. (They did that last year.)Thanks Moma and Daddy I so love these gifts. What a wonderful surprise. Tony and Heidi come home for a visit, and I get a present. I need to send them home more often.

Now the little fence box container I found at Ross, ofcourse, and the fall assortment came from Michaels. I had the little scarecrow from last year. I love it on the frontporch. I keep thinking if I start decorating early maybe it will cool off here?? Not!!

As always thank you so much for stopping by to visit me in my little piece of heaven here in the desert that I so love to call home.
Country hugs and love, Sherry

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