Friday, August 14, 2009

Amy's Getting A Peg Tube - But Date May Change

Amy Dawn Ragan

I've always loved Amy's Senior picture.

She is so beautiful and cancer free in this picture.

Okay I need to explain a couple of things we found out this afternoon. First of all, they are having some problems trying to figure out how to intibate Amy with this tumor that she has in her neck. They may have to do some more research. If they CAN, they will put the peg tube in Monday, but if the schedule will not allow it, they are sending her home this weekend, and Debbie and Richard will have to take her back next Friday for an outpatient surgery. Now, Amy is on oxygen, they are trying to figure out her pain medicine, but they can do nothing more for her, than this peg tube.

Basically they are sending her home in God's hands. I cannot accept this sister bloggers, and it makes me pray all the harder. I guess they will have to get Hospice involved in her care. She is going to need her oxygen to keep her levels up. She will need her pain meds. With this obstructive apnea she needs to be watched all the time, so when she stops breathing you can wake her up. I just do not know. This all really scares me. Debbie called me today while Amy was sleeping so that I could hear her. She makes a honking noise, as she is struggling to breathe when she is asleep. I just wept and wept when I got off the phone with her. It makes me so sad. They are so far away and I can't even help.

Their oncologist, Dr. Dexius is in Enid, and he will step in and take over the care, but I don't know what the plan will be. So many unknowns and so many questions. Poor Debbie, as I know her head is just swimming. How can Amy get better without nutrition, and then to know she may get sent home and have to wait another week before we can start feeding her. I wanted to write the situation out my sister bloggers. We have our work cut out for us. Lots to think about, lots to ask God for, and lots to pray for the family for.

Now you know the story, and I am asking you to remember all of these things in prayer. Pray for everything you think is necessary. I so appreciate every single one of you. I cannot imagine walking this alone. It has been so hard for me, out here 1,300 miles from home, can't be with my family. You ladies have given me a purpose. I have been able to feel as though I am doing something. I thank you for that. I would have gone nuts without this purpose to update you. Keeping the blog and asking you to pray for us. I just thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I know you all love Amy as much as we do. She has became an angel to all of you now. I have always called her Angel Amy, now you know why.

As always thank you for stopping by my little piece of heaven here in the desert, that I so love to call home. I will love you all forever. Love, Sherry

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