Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Outdoor Wednesday - Sedona Surroundings

Welcome to Outdoor Wednesday!
Thank you Susan for being a lovely Hostess,
and allowing me to share my Outdoor "Country Wings"
with you and all of the Outdoor Wednesday Bloggers.
Please stop by and visit Susan at:

And Away we Go...

Welcome to Sedona My Friend, Bloggers!
Here are some of the scenery pictures I promised
from my Pink Saturday post. For those of you that missed
that post, these are the scenery pics from my last Friday visit to Sedona
with Jamie from Queen Mimi's Corner. We just had the most wonderful
day laughing, sharing, and site-seeing with a friend, that felt like we had
known each other all of our lives. It was so much fun.

This is Bell Rock!

More beautiful Rock formations.

This was in one of the courtyards that we visited.
I have never seen a large tree like this
that a wall was built around it. So unusual.

This was another one of the walls inside of the
courtyard area. I found this one most unusual.

Inside one of the courtyards, this is Jamie
stopping to rest a minute. Sedona is a large place to visit.
Jamie appears to be saying, "Sherry, my sandals are
giving me blisters."

And ofcourse who can go to Sedona and not
stop by and see the only McDonalds in the
world where the arches are not "Golden", rather
they are Southwest "turquoise" in color. How odd???
No we did not eat lunch in Sedona at McDonalds.
We went to:

Jamie made reservations for us at L'Aubegere Resort
creekside. Look at the babbling creek behind us. It was wonderful.
85 degrees and a nice little wind blowing. Just beautiful.
The food was absolutely delicious.

After lunch, here we are at Slide Rock. Jamie told me
this is a natural rock formation that became a water slide
for millions of tourists every year, the water is from snow
runoff and natural springs, so even in the summer time it
is very cold! BBRRRRRRRR!! To cold for my tootsies. Sorry
to disappoint you gals, but no we did not don suits and join
in the fun. Maybe we'll try that another day!!

Next we are off on our hike of West Fork Trail.
I wanted to share a few of the photos of the rock
canyon walls. They were just breathtaking.

Standing on the ground looking up it hard to imagine something so
beautiful. God had a very busy day with his paintbrush here.

At the bottom of this picture you can see the creek,
and then the canyon walls just go straight up. They
were so beautiful and just took my breath away.
It is so hard to imagine a rock can be so beautiful.

With my purchase in hand for the day, and one
last picture, we are off to the parking lot. As
always all good things must come to an end.
It was time to leave the cool area behind and
head back to the valley.


Before I close this evening, I wanted to give you all a little update on Amy. She has had a very rough day today. I have only spoken to Debbie a few times, she is so exhausted and tired today she could hardly even talk. She and Richard spent the night in the car sleeping in the parking lot. There was no room at the inn. There was a very hard pouring of rain, which was actually music to their ears, as it shut out all the problems around them. The pain Dr. came to see Amy today and they are trying to find a happy medium for her for the pain. She has just been wild. We don't know what has happened to change all of this from last night to this morning. They are using a morphine pump and another drug, but they do not seem to be getting any relief for her at this time. We are all so baffled. We just keep praying that sleep will come for her soon, as she is so exhausted. They all received a surprise visit from Rebecca @ A Gathering of Thoughts. She showed up at the hospital last evening with a basket filled with muffins, napkins and other treasures for the family to enjoy. She had the pleasure of meeting our Precious Amy and actually meeting Debbie, her DH, Richard, and Our Moma, Peggy. They were all so thrilled to have a surprise visit from our very own Rebecca. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Please continue to pray for Amy. She so needs your prayers. Still no word on a peg tube. I will continue to hold them up in prayer.


As always my sister bloggers, thank you for stopping by my little piece of heaven here in the desert, that I so love to call home. Country Hugs and Love, Sherry

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