Monday, August 10, 2009

Finding the Zen Mind

Image Copyright Enoch Bolles

Last week I saw a bracelet in an ad that was an exact copy of an architectural wire design I created several years ago for Beadalon. I mean bead for bead, color for color, wire for wire...exact. This sort of thing happens on a regular basis to many designers, especially with the evolution of the internet. Sometimes I think ideas are just out there and people have simultaneous similar inspiration. Sometimes people forget that they've seen an idea before because it's settled in their creative subconscious mind. It happens. There's a difference between that and blatant copying and I can appreciate the distinction.

Some people would pull out that unfortunate cliche about imitation being the highest form of flattery and I'd say...uh...if you buy the same shoes I'm wearing because you think them cute...I'm flattered...if you copy my designs without giving me credit and sell them as originals for profit...I'm annoyed.

That being said there's nothing I can do, really. I get annoyed, then I move on. I don't want to give them any more power than that. Lest you think this is a ranty whine about how everyone is stealing my cookies, let me assure you it is not. I've got an endless supply of some of the tastiest cookies around.

I had an epiphany on Friday night after another round of spot my designs in the bead mags...I realized that on one level I was thoroughly annoyed and on the other level I felt really sorry for the people who lacked the imagination to explore their own ideas.

My Zen Master wannabe self reminded me that once I've created something and released it into the world it is no longer mine. What I mean by that is...the act of creating it was the point and the result is merely the evidence of the creative act. Once it's out there, it takes on a life of its own and I can't police the entire planet looking for people who are copying me for profit. I don't want to focus my energy in that direction, it's so negative and exhausting.

Actually...I feel sad for these people.

The sad part for these other folks is that they will never, ever know the power and the joy I felt at having an idea and following the thread of that idea from concept to creation. My work has the energy of that creative fire...their work does not. I know that I have an endless stream of good ideas...and they're just waiting for someone else to do it first.

Now lest you think I think myself special, I believe that everyone has that creative fire inside of them. It's a matter of trusting yourself enough to follow those sparks, particularly the most challenging ones. Art is about the experience. We miss out on so much of it when we don't trust ourselves enough to listen to the muse. In fact, she'll pack up and move out if you ignore her long enough.

I am practicing non-attachment as much as I can. I am trying to be in the moment. The moment is the point. Once it has past it is forever altered. People can say what they will about me, they can dismiss me and they can underestimate me if they so choose...but I know they're watching me to see what I'll do next.

I can promise matter what it is...I've had a freakin' blast doing it. I wish for every one of you the unfettered wonder of trusting your creative voice. I wish you the inexplicable ecstasy of creating without filters. Be inspired by the work of others...and then infuse it with the fabulosity that only you possess.

Then let it go.

Is it good? Is it bad? Will other people like it? Will they laugh at you and call you names? Will they copy your work and call it their own and live in constant fear that someone figures out the truth?

Ah grasshopper, who cares? You'll be far too busy dancing with your muse to give a flying hoot through a rolling donut.

Until next time...craft on with your bad selves.

Zen Master Madge

P.S.: Please don't misunderstand the intent of this post. I'm a big believer in the importance of protecting copyrights and intellectual property rights. My work is not free for the taking, it's all under copyright. I just at some point I have to choose my battles. I'm merely's sad to be a person who lacks such belief in your abilities that you can justify stealing someone else's ideas. I'm not going to allow it to personally affect me or my psyche...and I have no problem sending out a cease and desist when the situation calls for it!

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