Saturday, August 8, 2009

Saturday TastyLinks™!

We interrupt the regularly scheduled blog post for a moment of Shameless Self Promotion. The fabulous Brini Maxwell and I are hosting a crafty cruise that is going to blow your ever lovin' crafty minds. In October 2010, we'll perform our Crafty Cabaret show, teach four fabulous classes (I'll be teaching a tiara class!), have an open craft studio for 24 hour crafty fun and you'll visit some of the best locations in the Caribbean. Nine craftacular days of fun in the sun with two delightful, divalicious hostesses. Here's the story, Mornin' glories. You go to the ScrapMap site to sign up. All you need to do is put down a small deposit and make monthly payments, you are not locked into the cruise and can pull out and get your money back up to 120 days before the ship sails. So...what on earth are you waiting for? We want you...we need you...let us craftertain you!

I now return you to your regularly scheduled blog post...

It's time once again to spread the Linky Love across the Blogosphere! Woo hoo! I'm back in the saddle big time this week. I've been assembling kits for my new book shoot, selling and shipping stuff from the newly replenished Etsy shoppe, doing freelance blogging and design and lots of networking post show to maximize my new connections.


I woke up this morning with my head spinning like a ball in a bingo cage...

"Get drivers's license something about my hair first.
Make appointment to take daughter to doctor for vaccinations and school required check up
Finish packing supplies for book photo shoot
Take pics and load new designs into Etsy Shoppe
Work on proposal for big event
Create widget for cruise
Fine tune idea for pitch
Write some pages for my e-book
Plan a new The Impatient Crafter™ video
Herd dust bunnies out of studio
Finish follow up emails post CHA
Pay bills
Work on design and blog post for manufacturer."'s Saturday...and my straw pile is still HUGE! Enough whining about all of the work I have to's better than having none at all!

My friend and colleague 'Daliciuus™' Fernando DaSilva is running a great contest on his blog. He's looking for a few good followers...Go see!

Here's what the Crafty Blogger Gang has for your education, entertainment and edification this week:

The Crochet Dude Drew is giving away all his latest designs that are included in his new line of patterns that just launched nationwide! To enter you just leave a comment on his blog!

The Artful Crafter Eileen blogs about learning photography - one frame at a time.

Stefanie Girard's Sweater Surgery Earrings made with something old, something new and a how-to from the new book- Simply Gemstones by Nancy Alden

Naughty Secretary Club Jen dishes up a recipe for making a pin cushion out of vintage tin.

Mixed Media Artist Cyndi has an imaginary friend named Jim...from 100 years ago!

Cross Stitch at Help Connie decide a caption for her free Bat Cross Stitch pattern.

CraftyPod SisterDiane interviews a top Etsy seller who decided to downsize her business.

Crafty Princess Diaries Tammy has a bag full of fun crafting ideas for the crafter with a birthday.

Craftside-A behind-the-scenes peek at a crafty world Craftside has a how-to on making a Traveling Mail Art Kit from the soon to be released book-Good Mail Day, a tutorial on how to line a flap and step by step directions to make a painted fusible web postcard. Be sure to answer the week's questions to be entered to win free books while your getting your fill of crafty goodness.

Cathie Filian Join Cathie Filian on HSN August 17th where she will be showcasing the new formulas of Mod Podge, Chalkboard Paint and Texture Paint.

Alexa Westerfield a.k.a. Swelldesigner Alexa shares 3 great photography tips for taking better photos of your crafts. You don't even have to have an expensive camera!

Aileen's Musings Aileen is offering a book giveaway! See how many ways you can get your name entered in her drawing to win a Ties That Bind Collaboration of Love book...

About Family Crafts Hurry on over and submit your photos and ideas! Sherri is now accepting Halloween submissions. Share your costumes, haunted house ideas, more and browse through the photos everyone else has submitted.

The Impatient Crafter Make a super cute pair of flip flops with your kid or teen for your end of summer vacation! Madge shares the 411 in this post for I Love to Create

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