Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Calling All Angel Warriors - Amy Needs Our Help

To all of my precious Angel Warriors. I am sending out a challenge today.
Amy has gotten much worse in this last month, and she has so looked forward to what Debbie calls "Mail Call". They got a hospital bed for Amy Girl, and she is set up in the living room, where she can see the front flower gardens and she can see when the mailman comes or anyone else for that matter. The mailcall is the highlight of her day. I would like to put out a challenge today. Let's see if we can get 50 cards to her in one day. Come on now, there are so many of us out there, and we each spend more than a $1.00 just on sodas and coffee in one day. Reach down deep in your pockets and buy a card and send it to our Amy Girl. She so needs a lift at this time. Bring a little happiness into her life. Cancer has stold her of any last days of happiness outside, so let's bring it to her inside instead. Please share your happiness with her. She has so far received approx. 45 cards total. I would so love for the mailman to have to ring their bell because all of the cards would not fit in the box. Help me out Warriors, I need your help. We can all do this if we work together. Here is her address again:

Amy Ragan

1213 Hite Blvd.

Enid, Oklahoma 73701

On your envelopes I want everyone to draw a smiley face. She will get that something is going on here. Just a simple smiley face. I am relying on each of you.

Thank you so much once again for stopping by my little piece of heaven here in the desert that I so love to call home. Country hugs and love angel warriors, Sherry

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