Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Spinning the Straw Into Gold.

(All designs copyright Margot Potter and are intended for inspiration and not for reproduction for resale.)

ACK! I'm buried!

Here are some sneak peeks of what I've been working on for the past week. These are 'in-use' designs for a manufacturer. I may be innately impatient, but when I'm doing this sort of work I have to find my inner Zen master and focus relentlessly on the task at hand. These designs need to be eye catching but not distracting. They should serve the materials which they're showcasing in a way that they are highlighted and not lost in the shuffle of too much design. Because I'm testing the materials to see what they can and can not do, there are a lot of misses before I hit the sweet spot. My job here is to showcase the materials in innovative and interesting ways. It's an ongoing challenge to come up with a new spin on the materials, techniques and concepts. I like a good challenge!

Eventually I'll be able to share links to the instructions for these designs, so stay tuned...

I have to dive back into my straw pile today. Someone has to spin the straw into gold! Until next time...craft on with your bad selves!


(Please come and visit my website for more Inspiration:

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