Thursday, September 3, 2009

Minister - protesters should be COWed by the law

It can't be good that the Minister in charge of the police is openly siding with a group of people, who:

(1) carried out an illegal protest (ie peaceful demo, but no police permit).
The minister in charge of the police should always come down hard against ALL illegal protesters, I thought.
This apparent double standard is bad.
This is because just like when KJ demonstrated against Condi Rice's 2006 visit with Umno Youth last time - see here - the opposition will now say: Jika depa boleh demo, dapat sokongan dari menteri, kami pun boleh. Mari kita kasi jam satu KL (Pembangkang ni gila juga, kau kasi lubang kecik pun dia masuk).

(2) used a cow's head to demo against the relocation of a Hindu temple.
OK, so now the explanation is that:
a) Kami tak tahu kepala lembu datang dari mana. This is pure bullshit because the head was paraded a long way from mosque to state secretariat building. 300m? Tak nampak ke? Kalau dah nampak, stop lah. Kenapa dipijak dan diludah.
Tak baik sungguh untuk nama Islam jika umatnya dilihat mengeji agama lain.
b) Kepala lembu sebenarnya nak digunakan tunjuk dungunya MB Khalid Ibrahim dan ketua Pakatan lain. This explanation is possible. But then again when you are protesting against a HINDU Temple issue, surely bringing in a bloodied COW's Head would have rung alarm bells?

So let's say we accept explanation (2) - that there was no insult meant against Hindus.
Let's say that was the work of the Internet media, who are, ahem, ever ready to ascribe dark meanings to anything done by the poor Umno Melayu.
Melayu pun tertindas kat Selangor, bukan saja di Singapore, woi! Don't play play.

Even if that was so, it still is wrong, to me, for the minister in charge of Abang Polis to be seen being pally with protesters.
If you say, semuanya ok, tomorrow the Bersih, Hindraf, 1BlackMalaysia, candle vigil protesters all wanna meet him and get his stamp of approval.

My worry is blurring of lines between the separation of the Law (Home Minister/no illegal protest) and Politics (Umno VP/helping Melayu tertindas di Selangor).

Ada cikgu Singapore kata Melayu Temasek tidak tertindas, tak macam yang di Selangor.... Aku cakap kau tak caya.


Ah good! Now the Minister has turned back on these Shah Alam cows and again issued his "stern" warning.
Cakap aje ke, tangkap ler, orang yang berani cabar Seksyen 23 akan berdarah jika kuil dipindah. Bukan apa, agar yang lain jaga mulut sikit.
Memang boleh protes tetapi saya harap janganlah sampai mencabar darah akan mengalir.

Pembangkang pun apa lagi, lebihkan main politik dari nak selamatkan Malaysia. (Sedih).

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