Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Yes, I have no free project.

Today I'm not going to post a free project or a picture of a project or anything even remotely related to...a project.

Did I mention I'm not posting a project today?

Just so we're clear, I will reiterate. There will be no free project in today's post.

I've got so much to do in the next two weeks my brain hurts. Even so, there are two project ideas that aren't on the docket that seem intent on nagging me until I explore them. What is that? Is that just some sort of subconscious passive-aggressive procrastination I really the Craft Whisperer? It started with a small bottle from my backyard vintage bottle collection. Suddenly and without warning this bottle started suggesting I turn it into a mixed media necklace. I tried to ignore it, but alas my efforts were in vain. So it's sitting on my desk now and I've promised to address it when I get caught up, but it's an insistent little vintage bottle. I also have this idea for inked and altered acrylic charms that has been running through my brain in cleats for three weeks now. Why can't I just sprout two more arms and get on with it?

Why indeed.

I'm trying to set up and fine tune some future appearances and engagements, but every one of them requires me to make samples and map out plans and it's becoming increasingly apparent that I'm not Super Crafter and I can only do so many things in any given day before I start to hyperventilate. Why can't I have minions to do my bidding? Is that asking so much?!

I've got boxes filled with samples from companies waiting for me to test them out and present them with projects and ideas. I've got a big deadline from a manufacturer for about 15 innovative designs looming and an overdue project for a book that's totally out of my comfort zone that will require immense amounts of craftastrophic potential before it's finished and book worthy. I've got to finish the text for my book and send out the materials for the front matter photo shoot, labeled and ready to roll. There are boxes that need packing and shipping and other boxes that need unpacking and organizing. We haven't made a new video in months and I'm slated to go out of town and film a promo for the cruise...

Thus is the story of what I do every day. In case you were wondering. The life of a freelancer is a tricky one. We have to take the work when it comes, because it's never consistent. Then we have to know when to say, "No." Which sounds fairly simple, but is not. It's hard to say no when your income pays a big portion of the bills. On the plus side, we schedule our own breaks and we can work in our PJs. So there's that!

I have officially hit the wall, so until I get caught up, I'm afraid that I will have to say, "No!" to any future requests.

Mrs. Potter regrets...


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