Thursday, September 3, 2009

Why we hate Malaysia. Should we? - Indonesian

Interesting letter this, in Jakarta Post.
Someone is saying that everywhere in Jakarta now, people are saying they hate Malaysia.
And the writer asked whether Indonesians should hate Malaysia.

Also see the many postings below the letter - issues raised on why they don't like Malaysians.
It's got to do also (apart from pendet dance, batik) the TNI horror stories.

TNI = Tenaga kerja Indonesian. Indonesia work force.
In Malaysia, some of them are called PATI = Pekerja Asing Tanpa Izin. Illegal foreign workers.
Of the roughly 2million Indonesians in Malaysia, about half (yes, HALF) are in the country illegally. PATI.

Someone mentioned in a comment in my blog posting earlier though, that the pendet dance of Bali looks like an INDIAN dance. Not Indonesian!
This rings true because the Hindus of Bali did learn from Indian Hindus. So does that mean Indonesians "STOLE" from India?

My other issue is about batik.
I thought all this while Malaysia is saying 'batik is part of our heritage". Ie our ancestors have been doing it for so long, it is as Malaysian as it is Indonesian.
In the olden days, the notion of nation states was not there. This is a mat salleh idea.
There were the Srivijaya and Majapahit empires and Pasai Islamic empire too, that encompassed what are now parts of Indonesia and Malaysia.
Ie the peoples of the area share this heritage.
Kenapa dia nak claim ini dia punya saja?
Buta sejarah betul.

Isn't there such a thing as Shared Heritage? Like pendet dance is shared between India and Indonesia?

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