1st august,2009.
saturday,5 p.m
Dear friends,

Good evening!there is no rain today.the sun is bright.the waves are calm.wishing you a month full of happiness,love and friendship and brotherhood.the local Temple festival started on the same day of Naaga Panchami.it is the festival of Lord Damodar,the popular Shri Damodar Saptah Festival which began on july 27th.the streets are lined with different stalls amd crowd enjoy the bhajans,eats and various other stuffs.
My sparrows want me to write about them first.when i spend too much time at pc,the chirping is more means they are searching for anu.she is not in bed room or in the kitchen.i must tell you,how beautiful each morning is-waking up to the ring tone of my sparrows!really wonderful!
Right from childhood,i did care a lot about my own people and friends.the school days were the best as it was full of appreciation,high grades,leadership,popularity,participation in various events,the speeches delivered,so many friends and the life was safe and secure in a convent high school,nanda being in the same school,being the favourite of the teachers and so many admirers.i could still remember the red rose geetha gifted me when i was in eighth standard and for so long, i had kept the petals with me.silly,you may think,but for a teenager the rose from a true friend meant a lot at that time. [to have the feeling that my friend really cares for me!]the lunch breaks with friends, sharing and having the food,cracking jokes!no worries,no big issues to discuss,no boys to give tensions,cool life!i still remember,the innocent fathima,the simple girija who always tickled the laughter bones,kumari,annie,daisy and my friend asha latha with whom i competed for first rank!and every month the rank holders were felicitated in the morning assembly by a medal !life was so enthusiastic and cheerful!
always,family should have the priority.the dear and near ones with whom we live and connect more are best friends.but hardly we know the truth.the best of friends in the family are my little star and maza.more than sisters they are close and very close friends.they always competed to take care of kishen.madhav used to call them ,''inapravukal''.i share my feelings with amma n nanda;but i like to make them happy;not to make them upset as i'm far away.............
here,people wait for occasions n for celebrations.that means,music,drinks and dance.competitions will be held to choose the best friends,the most connected friends etc.here the week ends are full of happenings. tell me do you have any plans for tomorrow?

after becoming a blogger the list of friends got longer.we do categorise our friends into casual,normal,close,very close and special.i am not going to do that,but by now,each of my friends has been informed or allowed to realise to which category they fit in.the birds of the same feather flock together.we build friendship based on similar thoughts,likes,tastes and hobbies.we learn from experiences.some support us,they make us stronger,and some let us down.now i don't bother about them as i just let them go and i make it very clear,leave me alone.i learnt to make friends with the natural gifts,thebirds,animals,plants,flowers,rivers,waves,hills,stars,moon and the sky!iam happy being with myself than to be in the company insincere friends.when the whole world celebrates Friendship day tomorrow,let me pen down my thoughts.i won't be at home tomorrow morning till noon and iam so anxious than anyone else to wish you the best on this unforgettable day!anu should be the first of your friends who wishes and sings,
May the day pops up with delight.........
bursts with joy ,
rings with laughter all through.............
T he whole world celebrates friendship day,

On 2nd august and this time it's a sunday.
f riends are often my strength,
and at times they want to be my weakness,
not any more,i had enough lessons in life.
friends,as i'm on leave and at home,
i will miss out the celebrations,
exchanging the greetings with love,
and tying the friendship bands on teh wrists.
you may argue there is no meaning in all these,
but these small gestures make a lot of difference,
hey,we are compelled to have introspection,
and check who our real friends are.
God,Oh!My Lord,i'm so grateful to you,
you have blessed me with many sincere friends,
from a wonderful family who stays with me always,
to the long list of friends who care for anu,
the time they spend early in the morning,
just to make my day happy and cheerful,
with their morning mails,
why do they show that special care?
do i acknowledge as i should?
the wonderful mails that reach me,
showing someone really is bothered,
and makes sure that i'm fit as a fiddle,
my dear friends,who are kind enough,
to spare time to read my posts and encourage me,
ever ready to support me with the pictures and images,
to search and send me the you tube songs,
dear friends,i'm really touched ,
with your phonecalls,local,inter state n over seas,
how can i forget the numerous dedications ?
in the form of photo posts,videos,poems and articles?
from far and wide good souls reached me,
may be with few words,but straight from heart,
and i must express my sincere gratitude and love,
to all of you,my dearies,
your friendship means a lot to me.
each one of you is so special to me,
it's so difficult to find a rare friend like you,
and i never like to part with you.
i want to hold these friendships,
close to my heart,forever.
i may not tell you often,
how much you have lifted my spirits,
you have gifted me with better moments.
and today in this lovely evening,
when the sea is going to be coloured,
wth the reflections of the lights from the ships,
from the depth of my heart,with warm wishes,
may i offer each of you a yellow rose?
it's dipped in sincerity and pure feelings.......
enjoy the day in true spirits and do patch up with some one,who has broken the ties.search for the id or address and phonenumber of a long lost friend and take the first step to make a call or send the mail or greetings.i'm telling you guyz,you will have amazing results.you will be making someone else's day and your day will be also made.
''A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.''
true,i have experienced it.believe me.
it's anu signing off...................
anu loves you a lot.and if you feel like accepting my yellow rose,please do leave a comment!
and today's dedication is of anu's choice for all her wonderful friends and for the squirrels whom she has left in her village home!
and now i know,''A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out''.
missing you all my friends who are out of town,and waiting to see you back......
and before the sun sets on 2nd,please make a friend, revive the lost friendship and build a bond!
it's the best friendship gift you can offer me!;D keep smiling................you are my precious friend.i don't like to tag you as you are priceless.
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